Sunday, January 3, 2010

Thankful for safety of my brothers family

Today I got one of those phone calls. A phone call that left a hole in my heart and a horrible feeling in my stomach! It was my brother Michael, he called with the news that our brother Joe's was involved in a house fire. Of course the first thing I wanted to know, if everyone got out safe and thank goodness that Joe, Connie, Josh, Jack & Joelle are all safe and in a hotel tonight!!
The fire started about 2 or 3 am in the living room. The fire alarm and the dog barking woke up Joe; the whole living room was on fire and he had enough time to grabbed the dog and Josh, Connie grabbed Jack and Joelle, they all crawled out Joe and Connie's bedroom window since both of the doors were blocked by the fire.
By the time the fire department was there a broke down the door, the fire was out. It was a flash fire and since there was no more oxygen in the house, it went out. The inside of the house is totalled. The outside structure is okay but they don't know what will happen until they meet with an insurance adjustment.
So, tonight I'm thankful for the safety of my brother Joe and his family. I'm glad they are safe and have one another. Love you guys!

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