Tuesday, July 14, 2009

In a Funk

Just in a funk today. Need a big tub of popcorn and a good cry!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A little blue....

Just found out that I don't get to come home at all this year!! Makens me sad!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Things that I've been pondering

So we took the family camping this weekend which meant we were totally unplugged for 3 whole days, no cell phones, no Internet and no tv. Sometimes being unplugged is a good thing. Normally when I wake up really early in the morning and head downstairs and turn on the tv or see what is happening on Facebook but not when we are camping. I find that I had all this extra time to think and ponder about my life. Here are just a few things crossed my mind over the past three days.

*No matter how hard I try, my house will never be clean. If you come to my house and don't call first, you'll find bills on the counter, laundry everywhere, dishes in my sink and dust bunnies in the all my corners!! So do me a favor and call first so I have a chance to throw everything in a closet!!

*Camping is a lot of works, setting things up only to tear them down a few days later. However, I love it. I'm not a breakfast eater but somehow breakfast tastes better when we are camping. I love to watch my children play and use their imagination. Sitting around the campfire at night is the very best and if you add a glass of Malibu and diet....it even gets better.

*Being away from my family sucks. The older I get the more I need my the comfort of knowing my family is there for me. Sometimes I miss my parents and brothers so much that it hurts and I cherish every minute I am able to spend with them. I also wanted to say thank you to Auntie Wendy & Sharon and cousins Silvia and Crystal for the gift card to Fashion Bug and thank you for your support!! Love you guys and can't wait to join you next year on you're 3-day walk!!

*Wait Loss Surgery saved my life! I know the decision to have a gastric lap-band was the right decision for me. I feel amazing and I'm doing things I've never done before. I've participated in 2 5K walk/runs since my surgery in May. Its not easy to enter a race when you know you're not going to win but to cross the finish line is amazing. In 2010 I'm going to start walking/running 10K's and my ultimate goal is do run a half marathon the year I turn 40!!

*Napping. The older I get I find that when the opportunity arises for me to take a quick nap, take it!! I feel so much better after a little recharge.

*Sweatpants are amazing!!

*I'm a good cook and even a better baker!! However, my Almond Roca will never taste as good as Grandma's.

*I love to write, the only problem is that my grammer is awful and usually have to have Makenna proof-read everything.

*That I'm lucky to be married to such a great guy. I'm not sure how I got so lucky!! He has given me more then I ever imagined!!

*Someday I want to own a lake cabin. There is nothing quite like hangin' out at the lake all day long.

*If I didn't have children I would be driving a new mustang, but I love my kids and my mini-van, who I've named Sally!! Makenna says is wrong to name a van Sally!!

*I can live without soda and chocolate...is it easy....NO!!!

So, those were just a few of the things that crossed my mind this past weekend. I could tell you more, but it might just scare you!!