Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 19 - MLK Day and a Date Day

So, as Government Employees Thomas and I have always had MLK day off and this year was no different but what was different that the School District had school and our boys are no longer a government ran daycare, so we had to the whole day to ourselves. Oh my, what were we to do.

Once the kids were all at school, Thomas took me to breakfast and then we ran several errands. Next we came home and did what any married couple would do then there are not kids in the house....we took a nap!! After our nap we headed off to a movies. We had popcorn and got to cuddle up to next to one another. It was a great day, with just me and my baby!!

Days 16, 17 & 18 - Weekend update

Sorry for the laps but I do have an excuse, Matthew has been sick and so all of my extra time has been spent with Matthew. More about that later!

So, we started off on weekend with sloppy joes for supper and just watching a little tv as a family!! We had a pretty lazy Saturday morning but had to get the trash ready to take to the dump (we don't have trash service that comes to the house, we take it to the dump but don't have to pay a fee). On Tom's way home he stopped off at Linda's Bakery to buy donuts and I have to say that they're pretty tasty. They we tried to think of something fun to do as a family, we could go bowling or to a movie (I don't really like going to the movies with Matthew because he can't sit for that long and I also am the one to take him out) but we had to do something to get out of the house after have two day of really cold weather. So, I went onto the Internet and found a place that is like Chuck E. Cheese but it was so much better. They had fewer games but they had miniature golf with black lights and lazer tag. The kids all had a great time and it was great to have a place to for Matt and Kevin to burn off some of there energy. Game Craze is by the 3 Bears Lodge - Jelly Stone Camp-Resort in Warrens, WI! In September of '08 the closed down the whole place because the whole place went bankrupt. It was a little freaking as we drove past on our way home because it was like a ghost town. Here is the link to the park, its beautiful but to see it totally empty was sad. According to the website they are due to open this spring but I'm not sure if they is going to happen. I know there were a lot of people who were mad because when the shut down in September there were people who lost money because they had put money down and had reservations and they got nothing. So, I hope that it opens back up, 230 people lost their jobs when it closed!!

Saturday we tried church #7 since moving to WI! I'm sure tired to church shopping. I know that God has a church for us and when we find the right church He'll let us know. This church wasn't bad, the church was awesome. It the first church, since leaving River Valley that I was able to raise my hands in worship, it was amazing. The message was good just really, really long. Due to the fact that Thomas grew up Lutheran, he has an issue if church is longer then an hour so we are still searching for our home church. We could really use your prayers in this area!!

Makenna and I usually work at the Nursing Home on Sunday afternoons, we both enjoy transporting seniors to church. While we were gone this Sunday Thomas mad Spaghetti and meatballs, which was wonderful. It was a great weekend even though we didn't do much of anything!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

So another cold day here in West Salem, WI. -24 on my way to take the boys into school. Its the 2nd day in a row that the school was closed for Makenna. It was the first time since living in the midwest since this has happened. I have to say that trying to potty train a new puppy when its this cold outside, not an easy task.

So, tonight I was outside with the puppy and when I came back into the house Matthew had ripped off his diaper and was headed to the bathroom and said, "potty, potty". He lifted up his shirt and arched his back but he wasn't tall enough to reach the toilet and so I had to grab something (I ended up with a case of coke) for him to stand on. Next think I knew my baby, who isn't even two yet, was going potty! I felt really bad because I didn't have any stickers or little candies for going potty because I didn't think he'd be ready but I guess Matthew was ready!

Day 15 - A mini date

So, today Thomas and I snuck away for a mini date. We each took a couple hours off work and had a late lunch. We ate at Manny's a wonderful Mexican restaurant. It was so nice to sit and have a conversation with my husband without having a toddler throwing his food or a dog begging for a bite of anything. We shared a dessert and to top off our mini date we headed to wal-mart to pick up a few things. We had less then two hours together alone but I'm thankful for any time we are able to spend alone. I love you, T!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 13&14 - No access, Idol & Freezing Cold

We'll I waited until I got into bed last night to start blogging and guess Internet. So, no blogging for me. But last night we all gathered in the basement to watch the season primer of AMERICA IDOL!! I am totally in to this show and I love to watch the people that can sing and can't sing. We're back in the basement doing the same thing tonight!! That's right Dawg!!
I've been in the Midwest now for 4.5 years and something is happening for the first time since I've been here. They are closing the schools because of cold weather. Actually temperatures tonight will be around -20 and add the wind chill they are saying -35 to -40 degrees!! Holy Cow!! I'm glad that my hubby is home so I cuddle up to him later tonight!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Day 12 - My aching back

I'm not really blogging tonight because I've hurt my back by shoveling the driveway, I guess I should have used the snow blower, like my husband said!

Two Jacket Weather

You know its going to be cold when I put the liner in my jacket and have to wear two jackets. Right now its not too bad, only 15 degrees out but tonight its going to get down right cold. It going to get down to around -5 but the wind chill is going to be awful, -20 to -35! Great we'll stay inside and sit around the fireplace however, we have a new little puppy who doesn't like to "go" outside; which means that mom has to stand outside and out wait the dogs bladder! So, I'll have to bundle up just to take the dog out!

Here is the forgot for tonight...makes you want to come and visit, huh?

Blowing snow in the evening. Mostly cloudy with a chance of snow in the evening...then mostly clear after midnight. Windy. Storm total snow accumulation of 3to 4 inches. Lows near 10 below...except 5 to 10 below in the valleys. North winds 20 to 30 mph. Chance of snow 50 percent. Lowest wind chill readings 30 below to 35below zero after midnight.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day 11 - Chuch Shopping

I wonder how many church we'll be going to untill we find our home church. Today we tried another church and it wasn't bad but not what we are looking for. We are hoping to walk into a church and know we are home, that is what happened with our last two churches. So for now we're praying that God makes it very clear what church we are suppose to go to.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 10 - I BET YA

So, the boys have this play tunnel that we bought from Ikea and they love it. Well Kenna and Tom had a bet that they could both go through the tunnel. They didn't crawl through it but both managed to pull it over their whole body and get all the way through!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Day 9 - Not as I had planned

So, today is my day off and I had grand plans to get all this "stuff" done around the house and guess how much I got done?! Nothing!! I took the kids to daycare, went to the bakery and got Tom and I a goodie. Once Tom went to work I went down to the basement and found out that my favorite movies was just started. So I watched Parenthood and then took a nap for 2 1/2 hours. I went and grabbed something to eat and then I started watching Because I said so. Next thing I knew it was 1pm and I had to be at the nursing home at 1:30. Next thing I knew I was picking up the boys. Once at home the boys and I made cupcakes! Tom came home with pizza and we all enjoyed watching This is Howie do it! We didn't get a movie in but still had fun. So, even if my day didn't go as planned, it was nice to be lazy today. Now tomorrow is a new day and I'm hoping to get more done then I did today.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 8 - Mom & Pop Rockin' out in the Basement

I have to admit, I'm totally addicted to Guitar Hero!! I've never really been into video games but there's something really fun about GH! Then for Christmas we bought the family World Tour for the Wii and now the whole family can play. Tonight Thomas and I took some time out after the boys went to bed and jammed for about 20 minutes...great fun!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 7 - Tired

So I fell asleep on the on the couch while watching tv (this happens almost most nightly). My hubby wakes me up to go to bed and of course, now I'm laying in bed wide awake. I'm watching Leno and listening to the dog cry in his kennel, then I remembered that I had blogged and I'm trying to blog daily even if it's boring. My laptop is downstairs and I don't want to go downstairs to get it so I thought I'd use my itouch & typing on it while tired isn't an easy task. So I'm going to end this blog and hopefully I'll have something more exciting to blog about tomorrow!

He's testing me.....

Well, its happening, He is testing me....again! God gave me a little tap on the shoulder reminding me that he's up there and He has plans for me. I'm not sure what those plans are yet but He does. We're having some issues with Kenna again and last night was pretty bad. She said one of the most hateful things that has every come out of her mouth. I'm surprised that I didn't cry but I think I was just too shocked. At one point it got so bad that Kevin was crying because he was afraid that Makenna was going to go to jail. So, when things get so bad, like that, I have to force myself to step away and look at the big picture, wonder what in the world God is trying to teach me here! I know he is teaching me strength because it took all the strength I had not to beat her! Is He trying to teach me how to be more understanding, are caring, I don't know!! All I know is that I'm giving this all to God.

Lord Jesus, You know my every thought and every need. I cry out to you for you help, help that only you can give. Lord, I'm angry, frustrated and tired. My daughter need you but has completely shut you out! How can I made her believe in you once again? Lord, I try to understand where she is coming from but I guess that my eyes are shut! Please help me to open my eyes to what she sees. Lord, I pray for lots and lots of patience because I need them now more then ever. Lord, cover my mouth and help remind me not to say things in anger! Please help me to be the best mom, I can be. I pray this in your name! Amen!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day 6 - I'm having a "crappy" day

I didn't sleep well last night because Matthew wasn't sleeping well. I kept on playing musical beds and I lost!! I fell asleep in Matt's bed and when I went back to my bed, the dog had pooped on my side of the bed. The amazing part was the smell...and my husband was somehow sleeping through the smell. So, I cleaned up the mess and then had to wake up Thomas to change the sheets! Once he was up then he was grossed out. It was around 3am and then of course, I couldn't go back to sleep and now I'm tired and I'm heading off to bed. Night!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Day 5 - A boy and his dog

Our little Kevin loves our new dog Brody! I have found them several times now cuddled up on the couch watching tv. Kevin is very sweet to the pup and is always very careful with him. I think they'll be good buddies!

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Okay, I'm blogging out of frustration! I'm down right mad! A few people are upset that we have a new puppy, that we don't care of the animals we have. AAARRGGGG....
Our animals are just like our children and I'm so offended what family members are saying about our little Brody! We love him and will take care of him just like we do all our animals. Are we perfect animals owners, no, but our animals are well cared for, they have fresh food and water, a warm bed and lots of love. What else to they need? Because I don't give my animals wet food does this make me a bad owner? Because I have to share my time with a husband, my children and my animals, does this make me a bad owner? I just don't get it!! AARRRGGGG....
So, now I'm done venting!!

Day 4 - I can't believe its not butter

So, after supper tonight Kenna was cleaning the table off and I told her just to leave the butter on the table and I'd take care of it later. I went to go and throw a load of laundry in the washer and when I can back, I found Matthew on the table feasting on the butter. He enjoyed squishing the better between his fingers. Me being me, instead of yelling at Matt, I went and grabbed the camera. This is normal behavior in a day in the life of Matt, he always keeps me on my toes.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day 3 - A new puppy

So, we have wanted a puppy for quite some time but didn't want to until we had the space. A lot of people don't think we should get another animal but its something that we all want.
We knew that we were getting our puppy from an organization that rescues them from puppy mills. We were amazed at how many puppies there were available to adopt. When we left this morning, we had our hearts set on a little girl, who we were going to name Hannah Hope Helgeson (H3) but there were many females to choose from, so we have another male animal, which makes 5! His name is Brody Nicholas (Nick after Kevin's friends from his old daycare) Helgeson.
Brody did well on the ride home but isn't quite sure of his new home yet. He loves Bob and loves to follow him everywhere, I'm not sure if Bob is too fond of that. The cats don't seem too concerned with their new brother, right now they are keeping their distance, I'm sure that will change. We've already had a few accidents but this is the first time he's been made to go to the bathroom outside....I'm just really thankful to have hardwood floors.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Day 2 - You've got mail

Times have changed since I was a little girl!

Today Makenna got a letter in the mail and I asked Kevin to bring it downstairs to her. A few minutes later Kenna comes upstirs upstairs and told us that when Kevin gave her the letter, he said, "Sister, you have email" I guess he really doesn't know what paper mail is!

It's Friday night and we just at pizza and are now getting ready to watch a movie.

I hope you enjoy your weekend!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day 1 - Suey and Sledding

Happy New Year!! I still can't believe that its 2009....I must be getting older becuase time seems to be getting shorter and shorter. So, I did make it to midnight last night! Tom, Kenna, Kevin and Aunt Sheil all brought the new year in and then went straight to bed. I was hoping since we went to bed late that I'd be able to sleep in....yea right?! Kevin joined us in bed this morning which ment I didn't get to sleep in. Once everyone was up for the morning, I started one of my families favorite recipes, American Chop Suey. I love it, it reminds me of my Grandma becuase she has been making it for as long as I can remember. It total comfort food and its tradition to make it for New Years Day! I also made homemade bread for the meal and I think it was a big hit. After dinner we all went out sledding. We had a blast. I wish we would have gotten more picture of Matthew because he loved it. He would go down the hill by himself on his tummy and as soon as he would stop, he would say, "more, more" and head back up the hill. He has no fear, which is a little scary! Once at home, we went and watched Iron Man, which I have to admit it was pretty good. So, now both boys are sleeping and Tom and I are just hanging out. So, I think today was a great way to start 2009!