Friday, November 6, 2009

Erhard Volcke

I’m going to date myself but here goes….19 years ago I met a man who would forever change my life!! I was 18 years old, working at Burger King and really had no direction in my life. My mother called me up one day and told me that there was an opening in the Retail Bakery for a cashier at Renton Technical College and it would be a great job and I didn’t have to work weekends, PERFECT!!! I applied for the job, got it but what I didn’t know was that I was going to meet a man who would help mold me into the person I am today. His name was/is Erhard Volke. He was baking teacher for the Baking Department. His first impression might scare you a little, he’s a big man, with even a bigger German accent and attitude . But once you get to know Erhard he’s just an all around great guy. The students would bake and I would prepare the baked goods to sale in the bakery. Mornings were always busy but in the afternoons I would sneak back into the bakery and would watch and participate with the other students. One day Erhard approached me and told me I should take his baking class and I told him there was no way I could ever afford it and besides I had bills to pay. So, several weeks had passed and he approached me again and told me he had found two lawyers in Seattle that would pay for my tuition, books, uniforms and supplies. I was speechless, no one had ever believe in me enough to give me a gift like this. I remember there being a little red tape to jump through but all I really cared about that Erhard believe in me enough to give me a chance in something we both passionate about. I remember buying my “whites” and my baking book and arriving at the school before class started, I was so eager to learn and to show my appreciation. I loved baking since before I step into that bakery and now as a student and I loved what I was learning and doing every day. I’m sure I had some bad baking days but I don’t remember them, I do remember a few failures which is normal when you’re learning to be a baker. My favorite station the yeast dough’s and puff pastries. I have wonderful memories of standing around the baking table, my right leg perched like a flamingo and rolling rolls for the dining room….lots and lots of rolls, especially around the holidays. I loved working with Puff Pastry and remembering how pretty my finial product looked. I studied, I passed all my tests and was lovin’ life. Then, the hired donut fryer quit and I’m not sure how it happened but I volunteered to come in at 2:30am and bake the donuts for FREE. Now keep in mind, I had school from 6am to 1:30pm then went to work at Fred Myers in the evenings and worked until 10pm and now I was going in come in and volunteer at 2:30am. I wouldn’t have traded that time in my life for anything. I learned so much about myself and about my work ethics. Volunteering all those free hours landed me a job at Renton Technical College as the donut fryer and I worked at the school for almost a year after graduation. My relationship with Erhard grew and not only would I consider him my baking mentor, he was my friend.
It was a sad day when I left RVC, I remember telling Erhard, if I could work for him and only him, I would stay forever but there were too many politics for me so I went on my way and began to live my life. For the next 10 years I supported myself and my daughter with the skills that I learned from Erhard and RTC. When I met my husband I was working in a little bakery in Bremerton and once we were engaged he told me that he didn’t wait 32 years to get married to have his soon to be bride get up in the middle of the night and leave him. So, I gave up one love for another….I know that I did the right thing.
So, its been over 16 year since I had last saw Erhard. The lines of communication have always been open through letters and emails but the timing hasn’t been right for a visit….that was until yesterday. Makenna and I were in Seattle visiting family and friends and I asked Erhard if he would like to meet at the school. It took me just a minute to recognize him because he has replaced his beard with a mustache. I took comfort in the fact that some things never change. I told Makenna that he’d been wearing jeans, some kind of western shirt, boots and a cowboy hat….I was right. We sat and talked about the old times, he wanted to know what I was doing and about my family. I often wonder if he would be disappointed that I wasn’t baking anymore but I don’t think he was. He told me about his children and what he’s doing in his spare time since retirement. I’m not sure if I can express into words the feelings that I have for this man. He believed in me when I didn’t even believe in myself. As he sat across the table from this man, I felt like his child and he was my proud Papa. He told me things that I would love to hear from my own fathers lips. As a drove away from the College, I felt like a million bucks!!
So, to my favorite Baker Man…thank you for being my teacher and my friend. You are the best teacher ever, look how many students keep in touch with you years and years after they leave. Thank you for giving me chance and I hope I didn’t disappoint you. Thank you for the life lesson you taught and the advice you gave your students. My favorite piece of advice you gave was, “Don’t burn your bridges, you’ll never know when you might need to cross them again”. I can’t wait for you to someday meet my husband and the rest of my children. Until then…..Happy Baking, my Friend!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Night-Time Routine

My boys I have our Night-time routine. I’m not sure how it started, all I know is it doesn’t matter how tired the momma is we still go through with it. We start out by reading four book, each boy picks two. If they take too long picking, I’ll pick the books and they are usually the short ones or if I’m wide awake an educational one. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is read almost every night. Since Kevin is now in kindergarten he now reads the book but I think most of its from memory. They love, I love you forever and There was an old lady that swallowed a fly. Also a book with short stories, nursery rhymes and poems are among their favorites. After books, we all take turns praying. You never know what is going to come out of their little mouth. Kevin always starts off by saying, “Dear God, I love you” and usually ends with thanks for all the super heroes and everything in the world. With Matthew only being 2 ½ his prayers are not always easy to understand but he is always has a lot to say. He is always thankful for mommy, daddy, sister, Kevin and Auntie Sheila. Then he thanks God for Blue’s Clues, High 5, his binkies and his toys(that he usually names). Then I pray over my boys, I think it is so important for them to hear me pray about them. Next comes song time. Matthew always wants to sing the Itsy bitsy spider. Then he gets hugs and kisses and then Kevin and I head over to his room where he gets a kiss and hug and once he’s up in his bed, I sing his favorite song, The Rainbow song by Barney.
The whole process takes about 30 minutes and sometimes I’m so tired I just want to hug and kiss them and put them to bed but when they give me the “Momma, will you please read to me look”, I fall for it every time. This time with my boys is one of my favorite times of the day. I get to unwind and watch daily how my boys are changing. I know I’ll blink and they’ll be in high school and no more bedtime stories….but for now I’ll read to my boys as long as they ask, no matter how tired I may be!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

So we had a some errands to do in the Twin Cities yesterday and since we were in the area, we thought we would go to our old church! River Valley Church in Apple Valley, MN is the most amazing churches I've ever been to and on September 9, 2004 when I walked through their doors the first time, I was wowed and yesterday was no different. River Valley is 30th fasting growing churches in America and I believe it because there were so many new faces. When we started attending 5 years ago there were 600 during the Saturday and Sunday services, and now they have expanded to over 2600!! Praise God!! The music was awesome and the message was even better. Pastor Rob is one of the most amazing speakers and I so thankful that he was our Pastor for four years. When I walk through those doors I feel God presence and am spiritually feed and I'm left wanting for more....I miss that.
Pastor Rob was finishing up a series called, "Surprise me, God". Rob challenged the church for the next 30 days to wake up in the morning and ask God to surprise you but to be prepared and in the ready position because we serve a amazing and powerful God. God has been surprising us since the beginning of time, I just wonder if we don't take the time to focus on the surprises that He gives us. Our Heavenly Father is the same yesterday, today and forever...the miracles that He performed 2000 years ago are the same miracles that are happening today!! His love is still the same but are we able to see it!!??
So, I'm decided to take the 30 day challenge. To asked God to surprise me or to make me be a surprise to someone else. And, I'm also challenging you; for the next 30 days to take 2 seconds and say, "Surprise me, God"!! I can't wait....I love surprises!!!
I would like to also share a "surprise" I had last week and my husband said, it was a totally "God thing" because we're just not that lucky!! When we moved to Wisconsin and I accepted me position at Fish & Wildlife it was a temporary position. But, since I know I'm a good worker I just assumed that were would always be a job for me. Well, I was wrong. My boss told me in August that is was determined that my job was not going to be exstended and that my last day of work would be on September 30th. When she left my office I burst into tears and I couldn't believe that I would loose my job. I have over 8 years in with the Government and now I was going to loose my job!! So, I started looking for Government jobs and I applied for many jobs and had several interviewed and I was always within the top 5 but someone else was selected. I was crushed, I was stressed, I still couldn't believe this was happening to me!! What would we do without my income, how would I handle being a stay at home mom when I'm use to going to work everyday?? As my days grew shorter and shorter my faith was tested more and more. But towards the end I had made peace with what ever God had planned for me. I would be able to collect unemployment and maybe I would enjoy staying home with Matthew, after all he is my baby. On my last day of work, my co-workers took me to lunch, I came back to the office and finished cleaning out my stuff and I decided to take a 1/2 an hour of leave and go home at 2:30 that day...and at 2:20 my cell phone rang with a job offer and I could start the very next day which meant that I wouldn't have a break in Government Service. PRAISE GOD, PRAISE GOD, PRAISE GOD!! I did a happy dance in my office, thank goodness nobody was around to noticed!!! Once again God "SURPRISED" me with His perfect timing and not mine. But gets better. When I took the job with Fish & Wildlife in La Crosse, I took a pay cut but with this new job, I was reinstated at the pay I was making when we lived in Minnesota! PRAISE GOD!! This morning will be my 3rd day of working at Fort McCoy in the Civilian Personnel far so good and I know that this is where God wants me to be because he opened a door before the other one even shut. Our God is an Awesome God!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Today I'm a little homesick and my brothers are on my mind. It been over 16 years since we were all together in the same room. Since we are all adults now and three of us have kids, I wonder what it would be like to have a little reunion. Would we stay up late and talk all night, what would happen if were were to have a few drinks, I wonder what would be said?! Its no great secret that our childhood wasn't easy but somehow we have all turned out alright. Divorce sucks, it tears families apart and forces you to make choices that no child should have to make. We've all have had a few bumps and bruises along the way but I am so proud of the lives they that have made for themselves. What doesn't kills us makes us stronger, right?!
Just thought I'd take a minute to share a few of the reasons that I love my brother and why they are so special to me.

Michael-I often wonder if we were meant to be twins because the older we get the more we look alike (I know scary)! It always amazed me that we can go years without seeing one another and we'll have to same glasses or the same tooth brushes!! All I can say is that , "Great minds think alike". You are probably one of the smartest people I know but I don't think you want people to know how smart you are!! You are an awesome cook but also remember a few of the failures. Oh and the dishes you often left behind for me to clean....yuk!!! I will never ever forget the day that Thomas and I pulled away house in Bremerton. I felt like I was leaving my best friend and swear that I felt my heart break in two. I cried for hours and more poor husband didn't know what to do with me. Several years later when I was pregnant with Kevin, I automatically knew that his middle name would be Michael after you! I talk to Kevin about you and I know he's excited to see you in person.

Craig-my very favorite memory of you should have been shared with out parents but I was the lucky one to see you at Boot Camp graduation at Ft. Lenordwood. I remember trying to find you amongst a sea of green uniforms and finally I found you. You ran to me with tears in your eyes....Craig, I was so proud of you. I was able to spend a few days with you and was a witness you transforming from a boy to a man. Fast forward several years and we had lost you, no one knew where you were and Craig, I spend many, many hours searching for you and even had a lawyer friend help search for you. There were times that I wondered if you were dead or alive! With some old fashion elbow grease I finally found you. Words could not express how I felt when I heard your voice and saw your face. I wish I could have seen you a few more times before you moved back to Washington but am thankful for the time I was able to spend with you.

Joseph-you just crack me've always been able to make me laugh. I think back to when Makenna was a baby and how wonderful you were with her, I knew all those years ago that you'd be a good daddy!! The time when I was able to spend with you in Vader was amazing. You were there for me when I needed you. Being a single mom was hard but you made it a little easier. I remember you on your wedding day and how handsome you looked. I was there for the birth of your first son and I'll always remember how proud you were, you hugged me and cried, or maybe there was just something in your eye!! I am proud of how hard you've worked to support your family. You have two very handsome little men and I can't wait to see and hold your daughter for the first time. I'm thankful that we were able to see you this summer even if only for a day. It was so nice for my boys to meet you for the first time.

Gary aka Wiener-I remember when mom was pregnant praying and praying that God would give me a little sister, I mean I already had three brother, what would I do with another. I was so disappointed when I found out you were a boy. I made up my mind that I wanted nothing to do with you and my Aunt made me go to the hospital to see you. I looked at you once and feel in love with you. You and I lived together longer then rest of the boys and therefore, I have many, many great memories. You had a few shaky years and I wondered what direction you life was headed. But you figured it out, it still blows my mind that your a mechanic!! I'm so thankful that I was able to fly down for your wedding, it was a special day and thankful that I was a part of it. I'm also thankful that I was able to send a few days with you this spring, I enjoyed my time with you, Jessica and your little beauties.

So to my brothers, I love you and I'm so proud of you. Can't wait to be together some day. Love you big sister!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Help....I've lost August

Only one more week until August is over, I'm not sure how that happened. Overall we've had a good summer with lots of yard projects. We still have to finish the rest of our retaining wall and stain the back deck before the weather changes. We were able to camp only twice, I wish we could have gone more!! Went up North to Mom and Dad's only once but will be going again over Labor Day. We also enjoy when we are able to spend a day with the Etzlers at the Lake!!!
To end our summer we are heading out of town this morning for Chicago. Tom has business during the day so the kids and I will goof off during the day and then we'll plan some family activities for the evening. Its should be a fun time.
I can't believe that school will start in one week. Makenna will be a sophomore and Kevin will start kindergarten and of course, Matthew will still be in Daycare. Our school supply shopping is done just have to get everything ready for the big day!!
My favorite season is coming up, I love Fall!! I love to be outside with the sun on my face and a cool breeze in the air. I love to watch the trees change color, fall colors are my favorite. Fall is the start of the count down to my favorite Holiday, Thanksgiving. My Grandmother use to say that she loved Thanksgiving because it was just like Christmas without the presents!!
So, while August and the end of summer is coming quickly, I'm looking forward to the next season with my family!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

9 Years Down.....90 to go!!!

Yesterday Thomas and I celebrated 9 years of marriage and as I think back about the wild ride we've been on, I want to thank God for the man he has placed in my life. We've had good times and bad time but the good far out ways the bad. We've had sickness and health and have witnessed God's healing power. We have watched Makenna Jo turn into a beautiful young lady and have lived to tell about it. We made the two most handsome little boys with the help from God, they were worth every heartache and fertility drug that we had to try. We've traveled through out Europe and made some of the most beautiful memories. I love to work and play along side my husband, I can't imagine him not being there right next to me. I still love to cuddle up next to him on the couch and share a pizza (only 1 piece now)right out of the box. Thomas has given a life that I could only dream of, so thank you Thomas for making my dreams a reality. ILYMTYEK!!!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

In a Funk

Just in a funk today. Need a big tub of popcorn and a good cry!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A little blue....

Just found out that I don't get to come home at all this year!! Makens me sad!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Things that I've been pondering

So we took the family camping this weekend which meant we were totally unplugged for 3 whole days, no cell phones, no Internet and no tv. Sometimes being unplugged is a good thing. Normally when I wake up really early in the morning and head downstairs and turn on the tv or see what is happening on Facebook but not when we are camping. I find that I had all this extra time to think and ponder about my life. Here are just a few things crossed my mind over the past three days.

*No matter how hard I try, my house will never be clean. If you come to my house and don't call first, you'll find bills on the counter, laundry everywhere, dishes in my sink and dust bunnies in the all my corners!! So do me a favor and call first so I have a chance to throw everything in a closet!!

*Camping is a lot of works, setting things up only to tear them down a few days later. However, I love it. I'm not a breakfast eater but somehow breakfast tastes better when we are camping. I love to watch my children play and use their imagination. Sitting around the campfire at night is the very best and if you add a glass of Malibu and even gets better.

*Being away from my family sucks. The older I get the more I need my the comfort of knowing my family is there for me. Sometimes I miss my parents and brothers so much that it hurts and I cherish every minute I am able to spend with them. I also wanted to say thank you to Auntie Wendy & Sharon and cousins Silvia and Crystal for the gift card to Fashion Bug and thank you for your support!! Love you guys and can't wait to join you next year on you're 3-day walk!!

*Wait Loss Surgery saved my life! I know the decision to have a gastric lap-band was the right decision for me. I feel amazing and I'm doing things I've never done before. I've participated in 2 5K walk/runs since my surgery in May. Its not easy to enter a race when you know you're not going to win but to cross the finish line is amazing. In 2010 I'm going to start walking/running 10K's and my ultimate goal is do run a half marathon the year I turn 40!!

*Napping. The older I get I find that when the opportunity arises for me to take a quick nap, take it!! I feel so much better after a little recharge.

*Sweatpants are amazing!!

*I'm a good cook and even a better baker!! However, my Almond Roca will never taste as good as Grandma's.

*I love to write, the only problem is that my grammer is awful and usually have to have Makenna proof-read everything.

*That I'm lucky to be married to such a great guy. I'm not sure how I got so lucky!! He has given me more then I ever imagined!!

*Someday I want to own a lake cabin. There is nothing quite like hangin' out at the lake all day long.

*If I didn't have children I would be driving a new mustang, but I love my kids and my mini-van, who I've named Sally!! Makenna says is wrong to name a van Sally!!

*I can live without soda and it easy....NO!!!

So, those were just a few of the things that crossed my mind this past weekend. I could tell you more, but it might just scare you!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

#6 - Way to go Jen!!!

Today is a very special day for my friend Jen!!! It's her 6th and final round of Chemo!! She is one of the most beautiful people I know and I'm so proud of her and this roller-coaster journey that she's been on since January! Her can do attitude has inspired me to do things I've never done before!! I don't know how many times in the past few months that I've said to myself, "Callie, Jen is battling cancer, you can walk another mile". I'm thankful for Jen's family and friends who have helped and encouraged her when she has needed it most. If you know Jeni you know how amazing she is and she didn't even let cancer damper her spirit.
Jen, Good Luck today!! So many, many people will be thinking and praying for you today. Always, always remember that, "we can do hard things"

Saturday, June 6, 2009

I did it!!!

Well, today I did something that six months ago, I never thought possible. I walked/jogged in a 5K race today! This is the first time I've ever participated in a race so I didn't know what to expect. Despite the fact that I am 25 pounds lighter and 15 inches smaller I was still one of the biggest ladies there and I have to admit that its very intimidating to be surrounded by all these fit and trim woman wearing their fancy running clothes. But I had to remind myself that I'm not running this race for anyone but me, I had to prove to myself that I could do it. Its my starting point, I will compare all other races to this one!! I guess there were about 200 runners and the starting point was the see all those people pass me in the beginning but I had to remind myself to put one foot in front of the other and keep on keeping on and that is what I did through out the whole race. I never quit, I never stopped for water, I just kept on going. I've been training for several weeks but today during the last 1/2 mile I was very emotional....just thinking about how far I've come in a short amount of time. Then I turned the corner and could see the finish line, there was my 6' 8" husband (he's easy to spot in a crowd) waiting for me. I'm so thankful the Tom and the boys were there waiting for me to finish!! Crossing the finish line was the most amazing feeling ever, I can't wait to do it again.
I want to thank my friend Jenifer who has given me the strength to never give up. When I'm tired and don't want to go on, I can hear her voice in my head, "we can do hard things, Callie"!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Going Green

I guess the Going Green slogan has now effected my 5 year old. This morning as we were driving to school he yelled for me to stop. I said why? He told me that there was garbage on the side of the road and I needed to pick it up. I said, why should pick up the garbage on the side of the road. He responded, "Because if you don't do your part, the earth will get sick". I got a kick out of that one!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Helgeson Yard Project, Day 1

I wish I would have taken a before/before picture of the front yard. The day we moved into the house there was snow on the ground so we didn't get to really see what a what a yard looked like until all the snow melted. The one thing I totally hated was the the big red mulch, so Tom and I removed that a few weeks ago along with all the dead plants in the front. They previous owners had never had flower beds in front of the house, just weeds and trying to get all those weeds out, was a pain! So, now over this holiday weekend we are trying to get the front yard all done. This morning we ordered all the river rock and it will be delivered sometime next week. Then came the fun part of picking out all of our plants. We were very lucky that the previous owners had a landscaper draw up some plans but never had the work done, so since we had the plans we when with that and just did the work ourselves. I got most of the plants planted today except for the PJM's and Sedums in front of Matt's window. For Mother's Day Thomas bought me the planters in the front and I really enjoyed planting them this evening. The plan for tomorrow is to lay the landscape fabric down, finish cutting out the front flower bed and planting the plants. I wonder how much we'll get done!

Friday, May 22, 2009

The little things Kevin says

Kevin is such a funny little boy, he is always saying something that makes Tom and I crack up. This morning I took of the final bandages from my surgery and showed Kevin my 2 inch incision, he took a look and then said, "Mom, you get to eat regular food with us now, right?!". I just thought it was a little funny that he wasn't really worried about the new scar on my tummy but if I was going to eat the same meals and the rest of the family.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

God Bless my Broken Road

The weather here in Wisconsin is amazing right now. It was 93 yesterday and at noon today it was 85, too hot for some but I love it!! Weather permitting I go out and walk over my lunch break, so of course, I walked today. I also take my ipod because I don't enjoy walking as much without it! I listen to all kinds of music; Christian, rock, country and even a little rap (yep, its true). When I walk I talk to Jesus and always ask for a song to inspire me for the day. Most of the time I get an amazing Christian song that gets me though the rest of my day but was Country. Rascal Flatts, God bless the broken road. If you don't know the song, I'll post it at the end of this blog. This song reminds me of my Thomas. I think of all the wrongs I had to go through to me to where I am today, in the right place, the place that I was meant to be. Thomas and I have been together for 10 years now (married 9 in August) and he has given me things that I never imagined for myself or my daughter. He made us a family and took on responsibilities that he had never known before. When we were dating he once told me, "Callie, I want to show you the world" I thought to myself....what a lame pick up line!! However, only six month after we were married we packed up the little house in Bremerton, WA and moved across the ocean and lived in Europe for 3 1/2 amazing years. Before coming back home he gave me our 1st beautiful son and once we were back, living in Minnesota he gave me a second!! I signed my name next to his when we bought our first home together, it was something I never dreamed of and now we've done it for a second time! Because of Thomas I was able to start a career in the Government and I strive to please him with all of the accomplishment that I've made over the 8 years of being employed by Uncle Sam. He fights for me when I can fight for myself but has also given me the strength and encouragement to stand up and fight for myself. He has been my rock on some very dark days and don't know where I'd be without him. So, I would like to publicly thank God for all the hard lessons that he has given in my past, my present and my future. God has always taken care of me, I often wonder why I even doubt Him. Because of a Savior who loves and a husband who I love with my whole heart, my life is nothing what I though but everything I had ever hoped for.

Bless The Broken Road Lyrics
I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you
Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
I think about the years I spent just passing through
I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you
But you just smile and take my hand
You've been there you understand
It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true
Now I'm just rolling home
Into my lover's arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Can't sleep, so I thought I'd blog

My name is Callie Helgeson and its been 17 days since my last blog! I felt that I had to confess before writing a new blog. I look at other people blogs and get upset when they don't update but "HELLO" I'm just as bad! So, lets see what has been going on!!! Lots of changes for Callie. On May 4th, I started my pre-liquid diet for 10 days before my gastric lap band surgery.....the diet sucked! Day 3 was hardest for me and I cheated and had a couple fish sticks and french fries....oh, man did that make me sick. The rest of the time, it went okay, towards the end I was feeling really weak and my sugars were low so I had some watermelon over the weekend and retried beans once from Taco Bell (man did that taste awesome)!! Surgery was on the 14 and everything went well. Today I am 5 days out and I feel amazing!! I honestly don't even feel like I had surgery. Right now my diet is all the non-carb, sugar free liquids I want plus s/f jello and Popsicles and for a huge treat, I can have some broth!!! I go back to the Doctor today and then I can be moved to soft foods like yogurt and cream of wheat. The most amazing part about the surgery is that I don't feel hungry! My head tells me all the time I'm hungry but I'm really not!
The kids are all good!! Makenna is counting down the days until school is out!! She is in the school summer play, Fiddler on the Roof, so she's been staying after school almost everyday. Kevin started his second session of Swimming at the "Y" and he loves it, he told me he want to takes lessons forever! Matthew is just a goofy kid! He's very busy and doesn't like to be bored. Both boys are enjoying the new swing set Tom and I put up for them!
My husband....he's amazing, I love him and I think I'll keep him around for awhile! I'm still not sure how I got so lucky to wear his ring on my finger, I am blessed to have him as my husband!! Now, if he'd just clean the house....he'd be perfect!! Ooops, did I say that out loud....yes, I did!!
I don't know why I can't keep my house keep because I really, really want it to be. Sometimes I'm so tired, I just don't feel like doing anything and then the fact that both Thomas and Makenna don't want to do anything doesn't help me out any. Thank goodness that I have Fridays off because I'm able to clean the house and do most of the laundry and still have free time on the weekends!!
So, I guess that's all I have for now, I'll try to be a better blogger but no promises! Here are a couple pictures of the kids taken last week when we were at the park!

Saturday, May 2, 2009


I am so blessed that I have such a wonderful husband. He bought me a ticket to go down to Alabama to visit my brother Gary and his family....and as an added bonus my mom flew down for a visit. I had such a wonderful time just hanging out with my family and getting to know my beautiful neices better!!! Sometimes its hard to be away from my family so when we do get to spend time together its extra special.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Gratefully Post

I've having been into blogging in the past few months, it just seems like there is a lot going on right now! But, I did want to take a minute to write why I am grateful for.

My Salvation, I'm not sure where I would be without Jesus on my side.

My husband, Thomas!! After being together for 10 years now, I can't believe the life I share with him. He is so supportive and loving. He is my Rock, when I need him to be. I love him with my whole heart.

For my children....even when I'm having a bad day they can always make me smile!!

My friends, the one that I can call anytime day and night just to have a good cry. The one who is fighting cancer and who amazes me by her courage and strength.

That I was able to spend four days with my mohter, brother and his family!! I had an amazing time.

For Health Insurance

For my job

For a good running vehical

For our Home

For the backyard that my children can play in

Sometimes I think we need to step back and say to ourselves that we are too blessed to be stressed....

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I just wanted to tell everyone that I love Wisconsin and hope I don't have to move for a very, very long time!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Almond Roca

I'm getting ready for a bake sale this week to support Relay for Life. Baking is my passion and I love to share it with my friends and family. This recipe is from my Grandma Jo, who taught me to love baking. Everyone loves this recipe but it doesn't matter how often I make it, it still doesn't taste as good as Grandma's.

The first thing you need to know when making candy is that you can't be in a hurry, its a process and it takes time. But, when done correctly, I promise it will be worth the wait. Always use a stainless steel pan and a wooden spoon, I've use these same tool for all my candy making, nothing else. Always use "real" ingredients; butter,never margarine and don't even try to substitute walnuts for almonds, that's not Almond Roca. The ingredients are very easy
1 lbs. butter (4 sticks)
2 1/2 cups of sugar
1 bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips
3 cups of Almonds

Before I even start to cook the candy, I also like to chop my almonds and chocolate chips. I have always used a food processor for this process because without it, it would make this part of the candy making too hard. I chop both the almonds and chocolate faily fine and only put about a 1/2 into the food processor at a time.
Next I put a layer of almonds onto a cookie sheet followed by a layer of the chop chocolate chips. Remember to use a spoon when adding the chocolate because it chopped up so fine that it will melt in your hands.

Once all the "putsy" (one of my favorite words used by my MIL) stuff is done then the fun begins. Put all all four sticks of butter into your stainless steel pan and cook on medium to low heat depending on your stove. Once the butter is almost melted, add your sugar.

After adding the sugar and you stir and stir, you'll notice that you're butter and sugar are seperated....don't worry, this is totally normal and give it time and it will start to come together.

Once the butter and sugar become incorporated, it will turn into a pretty yellow bubbly mixture and once its starts to boil, stir every few minutes. You'll notice the mixture starting to change color, this is a good thing!!!

Next comes the tricky part, when is the candy done cooking? First off, the only time I use a candy thermometer is when I try something new, I don't know the last time I used one when making Almond Roca. My Grandmother always said that to cook it to 290 degrees but I think that it too hot. I would say 280 to 285 but I have developed a better way to figure out when my candy is done.

I get a very cold glass and water and put into next to the stove and when I think my candy mixture is almost done I put a little bit of the mixture into the glass of water. The mixture instantly hardens to the consistency that it will turn into. If I think its too soft, I let it boil for a few more minutes and try it it again with a new glass of water. The mixture should remind you of a toffee so it shouldn't be too soft and have a little bit of a crunch when you bit into it.

Once your mixture is done go ahead and pour into your pan of chopped almonds and chocolate chip. Just a reminder that is mixture is really hot and to be careful, I've burnt myself really bad a couple of times. Also, note the beautiful caramel color of this candy. When adding the mixture to the pan don't try to smooth it out just try to pour it as evenly as you can and the mixture will note go to the edge of the cookie sheet. Once you are finished pooring the mixture, I highly recommend imedeately soaking your pan in cool water, it makes is much better for the cleaning up later.

Once you've poured the mixture over the almonds and chocolate, you'll need to repeat the process in reverse order, chocolate and then the almonds. Now you're Roca is almost like 3 to 4 hours. You have to find a cool place to let your candy set. I usually put mine in the garage or in the laundry, somewhere that my husband can't find it to taste it before its done. Most of the time, I let it sit over night and break it up the next morning.

Once my candy has hardened, I crack it into bit size piece. I usually use a steak knife to do this. The recipe is made most often at Christmas time and I put it on my Christmas trays or serve it at a party. But for this bake sale, I found these great little bags to sale them in.
If you have any questions about Almond Roca, just let me know and I'll help you anyway I can.
Happy Baking!!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wearin' pink to show my support

We have all heard the old saying, "Try walking a mile in my shoes". Well, that is what I'm trying to do today. Within the past two months my friend Jenifer found a lump in her breast, had the cancerous tumor removed and today she is starting Chemo. WOW, how do you deal with that!!!??? I know God doesn't give us more then we can handle but you still have to think, "Why me"!! I think about Jen everyday; I wonder what she's thinking and how she's feeling! Wishing that I lived closer so I could help her any way possible. This week I bought a new pink shirt and my pink ribbon. Every time Jen has Chemo or Radiation I'm going to wear pink in her honor. I pray for her everyday but the pink shirt helps remind me of the amazing person that is fighting this battle. Jen is a spiritual warrior and she will win this battle but in the mean time, I'm just here to pray her through it all. Here is the link to Jen blog

Over the past few years, I have found that when God wants me to do something, he leaves me "little clues". Well, on Sunday and I was walking out of the YMCA and I saw a sign for a Relay for Life walk in the town that I live in. "BINGO", God left me yet another clue and now the ball was in my court! I went home and looked on-line and found out that the Senoir Center that I vounteer at has a team, so I made the phone call and became a member of the team. We are having several fundraisers at Lakeview Health Center in West Salem and then I am also having a bake sale on St. Patrick's Day with all the proceed going to Relay for Life. Here is the link to my Relay for Life page

Please take a minute to read it over and if you would like to show your support, I would love if you could make a donation. I believe the minimum donation is $10 and if I could just get 10 people to donate, I will have met my obligation as a team member but would like to raise much more then that. If you are a family member or a friend of Jen's, please pass this blog around and get it to as many people as possible so we can show Jen that we are here to love and support her.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hey....I'm blogging

I have to apologize because I haven't been blogging. There is no good excuse, I just having been in the mood!

I've known Thomas for almost 10 years now and he is just amazing and I'm blessed to be married to him. Thomas not only takes care of my needs but my wants, too! Last night he was working late and he called me at the house and told me he was buying me a ticket to go see my baby brother and his family down in Alabama! I am so excited to see Gary, his wife Jessica and their two beautiful girls, Sweden and Miley! What a wonderful gift from my husband. I love him all the time, with all my heart but when he does things like this my love just grows more and more for him. Thank you Thomas!!

When we left our church in Apple Valley, the very last message we heard was on Servernthood. The message touched me so deeply that when we moved, I called a local nursing home and ask to volunteer, well, that has been almost 4 months and I can't tell you what a blessing it is to work with the Seniors. You all now how I love to bake so now I'm baking with a group of 4 or 5 ladies (no men so far) every couple of weeks. Yesterday, was our second class and I had such a wonderful time. Several of the ladies only came to watch and visit and of course, taste the goodies. We made monkey bread, two of the ladies helped me roll balls of dough and then I rolled them in butter and a brown sugar/cinnamon mix! I think they turned out well and everyone seemed to enjoy them. But the best part of the whole day is when I called my own Grandma and said, "Guess what I baked today"? Both of my Grandmother were bakers and even before I went to baking school, my grandmothers were my true teachers and taught me to love baking. My grandmother hands don't work like then use to and she can no longer stand for long periods of time, so the last few wedding cakes she made, she had to have family help her but I am so thankful for the wonderful gift she gave me on my wedding day. My wedding cake was amazing, I had it picked out for years, it was circled in one of her many cake books. I didn't even have to tell her which one I wanted because she knew. The cake was perfect and looked beautiful. I am even more thankful for her love. Even when I've made bad decisions, Grandma has always been there to love me. She is an amazing woman and I hope to be like her in so many ways. I miss her so much and can't wait to go home to Seattle to visit her this summer. I'm not there to help out day to day so I think this is why I love being around the other Seniors, it makes me feel like I'm doing my part.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Trying to be a photographer

So, I was trying to save a dime and take pictures of the kids at home instead of going into Sears or Penneys. I bought a box of hearts for $5 and used props from around the was perfect in my head but trying to get three kids to smile and strike a pose, not so hear are a couple of my favorites.

I love this 1st one of Makenna because she was sick of taking pictures and had to take it out on the bear. The 2nd one shows her natural beauty.
My little Kevin is so funny. Yesterday he didn't want to go to church so I told him I would give him "sticky puddy" (aka silly puddy) to play with if he went and he said, "Whatever it takes". Then at bedtime I asked him what he learned in Sunday School, he said, "That Jesus loves Bakgons, too". Silly Boy!!
Our little Moose is almost 2 and is quite the handful. He is so busy and I'm amazed that I was able to get even one picture of him.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Counting my Blessings!!

Have you ever had one of those days where nothing seems to go right and you just want to go home, go back to bed and start all over. I had one of those days on Monday.
It started off at daycare, I not been totally happy with the new daycare since we've started there but its the only facility in town that will take both of my boys! So, I wan't there on Friday when tiition is due so on Monday morning, I had my check all written out and dropped it off in the paybox. Then I signed the boys in and there was a message saying that because I didn't pay my tiution on Friday, I had to pay a $10 late fee. So, I got out the check box but was pissed. So, I called my husband adn told him I was ready to find a new daycare. So, after Matt turns two or when Kevin starts school in the fall, the boys will be at a new school. It may seem like something small but its one of many things that have been bugging me.
Then my day at worked sucked. I loved my job with Fish & Wildlife but my new job I'm not loving and I just wanted to quit! I know I can't quit but I have been thinking about looking for something new. So needless to say, I was just having a bad day and was having a pity-party for myself....Then I read a friends blog and realized that I needed to stop and count my blessing.
Jen was one of my best friends in 7th and 8th grade. We were President and Vice President of our choir class. We had knick-names for one another, June and Ward. I loved hanging out her house with all her brothers and sister. I have great memories of sneeking out her house to go and see a boy...and I remember tying to sneak back into her bedroom window and my pants got stuck and we got the giggles so bad!!! I moved away at the end of 8th grade but we have always stayed in touch through out the years.
So, I was in a ho-hum mood when I got home from work and I decided to surf and I decided to read Jen's blog. I was in shock with what I read. Jen found a lump in her breast! I can't even imagine how her and her family had to feel and what they are going through! Jen is a wife and a mother to 5 beautiful children and she is just in the world can something like this happen to her!! But she is taking the news well and I'm amazed by her faith and I know that it will carry her though this ordel. She is in my prayers daily! So, I had to step back and look at the big picture. So, I'm having a bad day, so what, there are more important things in life.

Here is Jen's Blog...

Hi, I'm back

Okay, so I had a goal of blogging everyday, I'm not sure what I was thinking when I made this goal. So, I try to blog often but its not going to happen everyday! So, let see what's been happening?! Matthew was sick and had to go and get steroids to help me breath better and he's doing just fine now. Kevin lost his second tooth, this seems really strange because he's not even in kintergarden yet. Makenna is getting ready to start the speech season. Her coach changed her catergory and now is doing solo acting! I can't wait to see how she does! Thomas went on travel for a couple days just up to the cities and the day after he came back, I left to up to Sheperdstown, VW for some training. I got back on Friday night, Saturday we cleaned the house and on Sunday we had a Super Bowl party. I think it went over pretty well, of course I haven't cleaned everything up yet and probablly won't untill my day off on Friday. So, what's all I can think of for now!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 19 - MLK Day and a Date Day

So, as Government Employees Thomas and I have always had MLK day off and this year was no different but what was different that the School District had school and our boys are no longer a government ran daycare, so we had to the whole day to ourselves. Oh my, what were we to do.

Once the kids were all at school, Thomas took me to breakfast and then we ran several errands. Next we came home and did what any married couple would do then there are not kids in the house....we took a nap!! After our nap we headed off to a movies. We had popcorn and got to cuddle up to next to one another. It was a great day, with just me and my baby!!

Days 16, 17 & 18 - Weekend update

Sorry for the laps but I do have an excuse, Matthew has been sick and so all of my extra time has been spent with Matthew. More about that later!

So, we started off on weekend with sloppy joes for supper and just watching a little tv as a family!! We had a pretty lazy Saturday morning but had to get the trash ready to take to the dump (we don't have trash service that comes to the house, we take it to the dump but don't have to pay a fee). On Tom's way home he stopped off at Linda's Bakery to buy donuts and I have to say that they're pretty tasty. They we tried to think of something fun to do as a family, we could go bowling or to a movie (I don't really like going to the movies with Matthew because he can't sit for that long and I also am the one to take him out) but we had to do something to get out of the house after have two day of really cold weather. So, I went onto the Internet and found a place that is like Chuck E. Cheese but it was so much better. They had fewer games but they had miniature golf with black lights and lazer tag. The kids all had a great time and it was great to have a place to for Matt and Kevin to burn off some of there energy. Game Craze is by the 3 Bears Lodge - Jelly Stone Camp-Resort in Warrens, WI! In September of '08 the closed down the whole place because the whole place went bankrupt. It was a little freaking as we drove past on our way home because it was like a ghost town. Here is the link to the park, its beautiful but to see it totally empty was sad. According to the website they are due to open this spring but I'm not sure if they is going to happen. I know there were a lot of people who were mad because when the shut down in September there were people who lost money because they had put money down and had reservations and they got nothing. So, I hope that it opens back up, 230 people lost their jobs when it closed!!

Saturday we tried church #7 since moving to WI! I'm sure tired to church shopping. I know that God has a church for us and when we find the right church He'll let us know. This church wasn't bad, the church was awesome. It the first church, since leaving River Valley that I was able to raise my hands in worship, it was amazing. The message was good just really, really long. Due to the fact that Thomas grew up Lutheran, he has an issue if church is longer then an hour so we are still searching for our home church. We could really use your prayers in this area!!

Makenna and I usually work at the Nursing Home on Sunday afternoons, we both enjoy transporting seniors to church. While we were gone this Sunday Thomas mad Spaghetti and meatballs, which was wonderful. It was a great weekend even though we didn't do much of anything!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

So another cold day here in West Salem, WI. -24 on my way to take the boys into school. Its the 2nd day in a row that the school was closed for Makenna. It was the first time since living in the midwest since this has happened. I have to say that trying to potty train a new puppy when its this cold outside, not an easy task.

So, tonight I was outside with the puppy and when I came back into the house Matthew had ripped off his diaper and was headed to the bathroom and said, "potty, potty". He lifted up his shirt and arched his back but he wasn't tall enough to reach the toilet and so I had to grab something (I ended up with a case of coke) for him to stand on. Next think I knew my baby, who isn't even two yet, was going potty! I felt really bad because I didn't have any stickers or little candies for going potty because I didn't think he'd be ready but I guess Matthew was ready!