Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Only two more weeks

Okay, I have to admit that I LOVE AMERICAN IDOL and I always look forward to the beginning of the new season and know its only two weeks away!
I love the people who think they can sing but really can't! I love when Simon tells them they can't sing and they they are all shocked. Half of these people I would like to tape then and then have them listen to themselves. Me, I'm not a bad singer but I also know that I'm not a great singer so I wouldn't even dream of trying out for this kind of show, even if I did make the age requirements. Another reason, I love to watch the show it to see what people are you own a mirror in your house?! I just don't understand what some people are thinking?! Of course, the best part of American Idol is the young people who do have talent! I love to watch them grow through out the season. I loved last years winner, David Cook, he's amazing and and he's pretty Hot, too!! So, I'm looking forward to the 2009 American Idol season....can't wait!

I can't believe that its over

I can't believe that tomorrow is the start of 2009, where did the year go? It was such a crazy year for us but the Lord provided for our every need and we are so grateful! In 2008, I am most thankful for the remarkable change in our daughter, Makenna Jo. 2007 was a hard year for her and I can't believe the difference a year can make! We still have good and bad days but are thankful for each day we are given. Makenna is beautiful both inside and out and I can't wait to see the amazing things God has in store for her. Our two little boys, Kevin and Matthew continue to grow and learn with each passing day. They both bring so much love and laughter to my life. I realize how lucky I am to be married to Thomas, I can't imagine life without him. He has helped me open doors that I could never imagine walking through! Sometimes I feel like I'm living a dream, that this couldn't possible be my life but it is and I still can't believe it! God lead me on an amazing journey of faith in '08. He is teaching me to put my total trust in Him and not to fear because He will take care of my every need.
I really don't like to make new year resolutions but I do have some goals in 2009, here are a few......
1. Not to freak out when the house isn't the way I think it should be
2. To be more patient with my children and remember that they are children
3. To be more financially responsible
4. To have more dates with my husband
5. To keep my van clean
6. To blog more often
7. To volunteer my time at the Nursing Home at least one day a week
8. To make new friends
9. To find a home church
10. To take a cooking class
So, there are a few goals for the year, we'll see how it goes!

Well, I hope you all enjoyed your New Year's Eve and that God will bless you in 2009!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Going Home

"Home" has always been a difficult thing for me! I have moved so many times as a child and as an adult, that I couldn't even begin to count. When people ask me where I'm from I just say "Seattle" because that's just easier! Tom has always call Breckenridge his home and from time to time, I also call that home. But yesterday as we were ending our 7 hour trip back to West Salem, something clicked in my head to let me know, I was almost home. On I-90 just past Nodine (exit 266) there is the most breathtaking view. You're surrounded by bluffs but as you're going down into the valley, you are able to see the most beautiful sight of the Mississippi River! The River was of course frozen but still breathtaking. Just to add to it, the sun was setting. I wish I could have taken a picture but I was driving. I love when nature grabs my attention, it reminds me that God is the best artist ever!! As we get closer to La Cross, we are able to see more of the River and then I have to remind myself how lucky I am to be working for Fish & Wildlife, because what I do effect the River! As we cross the bridge in Wisconsin, I am over joyed with the fact that I'm almost there, I'm home! 10 minutes later, I really am home!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

My Christmas Angel

So, this Christmas is a little differnt as the ones in the past. Because of the move and boxes being everywhere half of my decorations are somewhere out in the garage but I'm so thankful that I was able to find my beautiful Christmas Angel. This is a very specail Angel as there isn't another like it in the whole world. My Granny Mo made this beautiful Angel. My grandmother has this amazing talent to picture something before she even made it. I often wonder what she was thinking as she sanded down she beautiful glass body, as she painted her face to bring her to life! Grandmother turned sewing into an art and I'm always still amazed at the details she put into all of her projects.
Granny has been gone for just over a year and I'm so thankful that this beautiful Angel will always be a part of my Holiday decorations. I can't wait for my boys to be a little older so they know what a presous gift she made for me.
I love and miss you, Granny Mo!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Slowly but Surely

Slowly but surely the house it starting to become our home. Thomas has been gone this week and while he's gone, its been my goal to get as much done as I possible can. I think Thomas will be most surprised to see the basement. When he left, my guess there were about 30 boxes, all stacked up. I think I maybe have 7 left. Makenna's room is completely finished as well as her bathroom. Kitchen is put away for the most part, just a few pictures hanging out on the counter waiting for Thomas to hang. Each boy and Tom & I each have about 3 boxes left to unpack. So, I'm getting here and happy with all my progress. Why the hurry, you may ask. Christmas is in just over a week and I haven't even started my Christmas baking! Me being me, I can't even think about baking until the rest of the house is clean. My goal is to have enough done but Friday that I can start baking on Saturday. Normally Thomas doesn't like me to be too busy when he's home so I'm trying to get most everything done so I can spend time with him on Friday and he won't mind my busyness on Saturday and Sunday as long as he can be my taste tester!
I hope to have some pictures posted of the house but that probably won't happen until after Christmas!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Makenna mad the Honor Roll

Check it out... You'll find her under the freshman!
Way to go Makenna Jo!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Our new house

Well, we did it!! We closed on our new house on Monday, December 1st and we are so thankful for the jouney God took us through to get here!! Last night Thomas and I cuddled up on the couch in front of the fireplace and we both couldn't believe that we own this house!! This is a big up-grade for us, its double the square footage of our old house!! We love that the family room downstairs is so huge.
We have so many boxes to put away and don't really know where to even start. I'm in training all next week so I'm going to try to get the livingroom and kitchen (we get our new stove and fridge this morning)unpaked and usable before I leave tomorrow night!
Move in day was fun, due to the weather. The picture about was taken before the movers arrived on 12/3! Thomas had meeting all morning long which left me to shovel the driveway and sidewals so the movers wouldn't take snow in. We had more stuff then we thought, we had two semituck filled with the Helgeson's stuff. It's going to take me months to put things away.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

We are homeowners again

Yesterday we finally were able to sign closing papers on our new house. If you haven't seen the house, here is the link for a virtual tour (I'm not sure how long the link will be active)
This house was a short sell and there was nothing short about it!! But, we are very happy with the house and can't wait to get all settled!! This house is an up-grade for us and almost double the size of our old house!! The boys are so funny because they just run all over because they don't know what to do with all that space.
Tomorrow the household good will arrive and then the hard work starts. There are several room that need to be painted but all of our supplies are in storage so I guess we'll have to wait for that....once thing at a time.

Monday, December 1, 2008


I am so excited. I just got a phone call from my hubby and our household goods come to our new house on Wednesday!! So, we'll be getting all our "stuff" so I can unpack and make our house a home!!

In a few short hours, we'll be signing paper on the new house. What a journey its been. This new house is so worth the wait! God has taught us so much in the past few months, and I'm so thankful for his Grace.

I'm most excited to take a bath my new tub and to put up Christmas decoration. Last night we drove by to see what decorations were up in the neighborhood! Tonight we are going to go over to the house and have pizza delivered even though we have nothing in the house. We are going to turn on the gas fireplace and listen to music and just hang out with nothing in the house. It should be fun. I'll post so pictures on facebook of the house later tonight!!

Thank you

I would like to personally thank the inventor of the DVD in the mini van. While we have young children this is one of the most important feature for us. This weekend on our way home from Tom's parents we ran into some bad weather. A 7 hour drive home turned into 11! The kids did an amazing job but I'm afraid of what the out come may have been without the DVD player!!