Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Only two more weeks

Okay, I have to admit that I LOVE AMERICAN IDOL and I always look forward to the beginning of the new season and know its only two weeks away!
I love the people who think they can sing but really can't! I love when Simon tells them they can't sing and they they are all shocked. Half of these people I would like to tape then and then have them listen to themselves. Me, I'm not a bad singer but I also know that I'm not a great singer so I wouldn't even dream of trying out for this kind of show, even if I did make the age requirements. Another reason, I love to watch the show it to see what people are you own a mirror in your house?! I just don't understand what some people are thinking?! Of course, the best part of American Idol is the young people who do have talent! I love to watch them grow through out the season. I loved last years winner, David Cook, he's amazing and and he's pretty Hot, too!! So, I'm looking forward to the 2009 American Idol season....can't wait!

I can't believe that its over

I can't believe that tomorrow is the start of 2009, where did the year go? It was such a crazy year for us but the Lord provided for our every need and we are so grateful! In 2008, I am most thankful for the remarkable change in our daughter, Makenna Jo. 2007 was a hard year for her and I can't believe the difference a year can make! We still have good and bad days but are thankful for each day we are given. Makenna is beautiful both inside and out and I can't wait to see the amazing things God has in store for her. Our two little boys, Kevin and Matthew continue to grow and learn with each passing day. They both bring so much love and laughter to my life. I realize how lucky I am to be married to Thomas, I can't imagine life without him. He has helped me open doors that I could never imagine walking through! Sometimes I feel like I'm living a dream, that this couldn't possible be my life but it is and I still can't believe it! God lead me on an amazing journey of faith in '08. He is teaching me to put my total trust in Him and not to fear because He will take care of my every need.
I really don't like to make new year resolutions but I do have some goals in 2009, here are a few......
1. Not to freak out when the house isn't the way I think it should be
2. To be more patient with my children and remember that they are children
3. To be more financially responsible
4. To have more dates with my husband
5. To keep my van clean
6. To blog more often
7. To volunteer my time at the Nursing Home at least one day a week
8. To make new friends
9. To find a home church
10. To take a cooking class
So, there are a few goals for the year, we'll see how it goes!

Well, I hope you all enjoyed your New Year's Eve and that God will bless you in 2009!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Going Home

"Home" has always been a difficult thing for me! I have moved so many times as a child and as an adult, that I couldn't even begin to count. When people ask me where I'm from I just say "Seattle" because that's just easier! Tom has always call Breckenridge his home and from time to time, I also call that home. But yesterday as we were ending our 7 hour trip back to West Salem, something clicked in my head to let me know, I was almost home. On I-90 just past Nodine (exit 266) there is the most breathtaking view. You're surrounded by bluffs but as you're going down into the valley, you are able to see the most beautiful sight of the Mississippi River! The River was of course frozen but still breathtaking. Just to add to it, the sun was setting. I wish I could have taken a picture but I was driving. I love when nature grabs my attention, it reminds me that God is the best artist ever!! As we get closer to La Cross, we are able to see more of the River and then I have to remind myself how lucky I am to be working for Fish & Wildlife, because what I do effect the River! As we cross the bridge in Wisconsin, I am over joyed with the fact that I'm almost there, I'm home! 10 minutes later, I really am home!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

My Christmas Angel

So, this Christmas is a little differnt as the ones in the past. Because of the move and boxes being everywhere half of my decorations are somewhere out in the garage but I'm so thankful that I was able to find my beautiful Christmas Angel. This is a very specail Angel as there isn't another like it in the whole world. My Granny Mo made this beautiful Angel. My grandmother has this amazing talent to picture something before she even made it. I often wonder what she was thinking as she sanded down she beautiful glass body, as she painted her face to bring her to life! Grandmother turned sewing into an art and I'm always still amazed at the details she put into all of her projects.
Granny has been gone for just over a year and I'm so thankful that this beautiful Angel will always be a part of my Holiday decorations. I can't wait for my boys to be a little older so they know what a presous gift she made for me.
I love and miss you, Granny Mo!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Slowly but Surely

Slowly but surely the house it starting to become our home. Thomas has been gone this week and while he's gone, its been my goal to get as much done as I possible can. I think Thomas will be most surprised to see the basement. When he left, my guess there were about 30 boxes, all stacked up. I think I maybe have 7 left. Makenna's room is completely finished as well as her bathroom. Kitchen is put away for the most part, just a few pictures hanging out on the counter waiting for Thomas to hang. Each boy and Tom & I each have about 3 boxes left to unpack. So, I'm getting here and happy with all my progress. Why the hurry, you may ask. Christmas is in just over a week and I haven't even started my Christmas baking! Me being me, I can't even think about baking until the rest of the house is clean. My goal is to have enough done but Friday that I can start baking on Saturday. Normally Thomas doesn't like me to be too busy when he's home so I'm trying to get most everything done so I can spend time with him on Friday and he won't mind my busyness on Saturday and Sunday as long as he can be my taste tester!
I hope to have some pictures posted of the house but that probably won't happen until after Christmas!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Makenna mad the Honor Roll

Check it out... You'll find her under the freshman!
Way to go Makenna Jo!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Our new house

Well, we did it!! We closed on our new house on Monday, December 1st and we are so thankful for the jouney God took us through to get here!! Last night Thomas and I cuddled up on the couch in front of the fireplace and we both couldn't believe that we own this house!! This is a big up-grade for us, its double the square footage of our old house!! We love that the family room downstairs is so huge.
We have so many boxes to put away and don't really know where to even start. I'm in training all next week so I'm going to try to get the livingroom and kitchen (we get our new stove and fridge this morning)unpaked and usable before I leave tomorrow night!
Move in day was fun, due to the weather. The picture about was taken before the movers arrived on 12/3! Thomas had meeting all morning long which left me to shovel the driveway and sidewals so the movers wouldn't take snow in. We had more stuff then we thought, we had two semituck filled with the Helgeson's stuff. It's going to take me months to put things away.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

We are homeowners again

Yesterday we finally were able to sign closing papers on our new house. If you haven't seen the house, here is the link for a virtual tour (I'm not sure how long the link will be active)
This house was a short sell and there was nothing short about it!! But, we are very happy with the house and can't wait to get all settled!! This house is an up-grade for us and almost double the size of our old house!! The boys are so funny because they just run all over because they don't know what to do with all that space.
Tomorrow the household good will arrive and then the hard work starts. There are several room that need to be painted but all of our supplies are in storage so I guess we'll have to wait for that....once thing at a time.

Monday, December 1, 2008


I am so excited. I just got a phone call from my hubby and our household goods come to our new house on Wednesday!! So, we'll be getting all our "stuff" so I can unpack and make our house a home!!

In a few short hours, we'll be signing paper on the new house. What a journey its been. This new house is so worth the wait! God has taught us so much in the past few months, and I'm so thankful for his Grace.

I'm most excited to take a bath my new tub and to put up Christmas decoration. Last night we drove by to see what decorations were up in the neighborhood! Tonight we are going to go over to the house and have pizza delivered even though we have nothing in the house. We are going to turn on the gas fireplace and listen to music and just hang out with nothing in the house. It should be fun. I'll post so pictures on facebook of the house later tonight!!

Thank you

I would like to personally thank the inventor of the DVD in the mini van. While we have young children this is one of the most important feature for us. This weekend on our way home from Tom's parents we ran into some bad weather. A 7 hour drive home turned into 11! The kids did an amazing job but I'm afraid of what the out come may have been without the DVD player!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I let fear get the best of me

I have a huge fear of....Water. I know it sounds crazy but its true. I had two incidences involving water and now as an adult, I fear the water. Yes, I'll get into a pool, lake or even a river but when I can't reach I freak out. But, if you really know me well, this isn't my biggest fear. I don't need to tell you what it is because my close friends/family already know but this fear got the best of me this week! I sat and my desk and couldn't even really work because this fear consumed my every thought! I did a lot of "what if's" in my head, which made my anxiety level, go through the roof. I couldn't wait until 3pm so I could leave and go check on my fear. I cried and pleaded with God on my way home and over and over I had to say that Jesus will take care of my problem. So, I walk into our hotel room and see what I needed to see. The first thing I said was, "Thank you Jesus"! I couldn't help but think that if God takes care of something this big, that all the "little stuff" like getting into a house, will fall into place. God is teaching me a lot lately that most of the time I over look. I am thankful that he humbles me when I need to be humbled! I feel that God has something big in store for my family but especially with me. So, I'm waiting to see His plan unfold and thankful for all He has given me!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Our last Sunday at River Valley Church, Pastor Joe preached about Serventhood! The RVC spent an afternoon at the local nursing home serving others. I thought to myself since we are moving, I'm working part-time and don't have a house to call home yet, why not serve other in this way. My first week here in Wisconsin, I called our local nursing home and spoke to the Volunteer Coordinator and told her that I wanted to come and volunteer, she was just thrilled. So, its been two weeks and I love it and as wrong as it maybe, I already have my favorites. So far, I have help transport people to/from church services, played musical bingo, went shopping with the seniors at the Walmart and help with a cooking class. On Tuesday, was early for the cooking classes so I help transport Seniors who had to go to the gym or for coffee social. So many of the patients are pretty much out of his and I asked once of the nurses if I could take a gentleman to the gym. She told me yes and that he was a COL in the US Army. So, I talked to him on the way to the gym and once we were there I turned and faced him and I said, "Where you a COL in the Army"? His eyes lite up and said, "Yes, Ma'am"!! I touched his arm and told him that today was Veteran's Day and I just wanted to thank him for his service. Then I made him cry! But, that was the most rewarding time at the nursing home so far.

Monday, November 10, 2008

In a Funk

Okay, so I totally should be in a Funk today, but I am! Its my birthday and while friends and family have sent me ecard and emails (which I really appreicate) I haven't heard the words Happy Birthday said to my face. Later today the kids will remember its my birthday but not until we are on the way to cold stone for ice-cream! My husband (I'm on the phone with him now), MIL, SIL, & BFF will call and say the words but again, not face to face.
Then I'm just bummed about being in a hotel. I want nothing more to be in a house and starting to make it into our home! But, not yet...I guess its not my time!!
If I have to look at the big picture, I'm thankful to be married to an amazing husband and for the health of my family! We'll have a home again in a few short weeks but right now today, I'm having a pity party for myself.
Happy Birthday to me!!

Home Sweet Home.....NOT!!

So, its been awhile since my last post, I would like to say its because I was really busy but the truth be known I haven't been in the mood to blog! Tomorrow will be day number 30 in a hotel and I feel the four walls that surrounding my family are closing in. I am so sick of eating out, its not even funny. We do have a small fridge and a microwave and are trying to be adventurous to see what we can fix with what we have!! We did buy a crock-pot and when Thomas gets back we are going to make a pot roast or soup...I can't wait!!
We had to go sign papers on the new house last week. I would like to say that were good papers but they weren't! We had to sign papers moving our close date to December 1st. The problem with this is that we don't even know if the house is ours yet. If we knew that buying a house in foreclosure would be so difficult, we would have never done it. We do have a couple of back up homes if this falls through but that means we have to wait even longer to get in a home! God has a plan and I trust Him but right now I'm struggling! Perhaps He is really trying to teach me about Patience because I hate waiting!!
So, below is a list of things that I miss about being in a home!!
*My big man recliner
*A yard to put the dog out
*My whole kitchen
*Family pictures
*The Washer & Dryer
*A privite bath-tub, the tub in the hotel is in the livingroom, so I can only take baths when people are sleeping
*Winter Sweaters
*My bed!!
So, I'll keep you posted with our housing situation and I can't wait to report when we move into our new house!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I'm Naked

No, I'm not really naked but I feel naked! Yesterday I was a break at work and I looked down at my wedding ring and noticed that I was missing a prong. I gave my diamond a little wiggle to see if secure but it wasn't. So, I came back into the office and put my ring in an envelope so we can go and get it repaired!! So, its been about 24 hours with no ring and its driving me crazy. I only take off my ring while I'm cooking/baking and don't want it full of food, towards the end of my pregnancy I didn't wear it and for minor repairs! But since we have just moved I don't know who to take it to. I think I may send it up to Breckenridge with Thomas in a few weeks. I know they'll take good care of it!! So, in the mean time I'll walk around feeling naked!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Kevin Turns Five

5th Birthday

4th Birthday

3rd Birthday

2nd Birthday

1st Birthday

Kevin's Birth Day - Heidelberg, Germany

Five years ago today, I held a miracle in my arms. Kevin was a gift given to us from God, who was so worth the wait. I still remember the amazing feeling holding him for the first time, in that army hospital with just Thomas and I. He was worth every procedure, every fertility drug, every failed pregnancy test and even a miscarriage!
Kevin is the sweetest child! You can't help but not love him. He is so polite and even after having four shots today, through his tears, he thanked his nurse. I love to tell him he's a great son, just so he'll say, "You're a great Mom". I love that he tell me that he loves me, out of the blue for no reason! I love to watch him play and his imagination come a life! I love that he is growing up but still is small enough that he still wants to sit on my lap or cuddle up next to mom, even for just a minute.
So, today I so thankful for our son Kevin, that he is healthy and happy! Happy Birthday Son, and remember....I love you more then all the tea in China!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

An emotional week

As of tomorrow at 10:30am our little house in Apple Valley will no longer be ours and to be honest, I'm a little sad. I always complained that the house was too small, the to-do list was too long and that the house was just too old. But, now that we are leaving, I think about the four year, 3 months and 12 days that we lived in this house. For the kids and I, this is the longest we've ever lived in one place and now it seems strange because we're moving on! I was at the house this morning at 2am getting some cleaning done and my heart was sad to think we are leaving our home behind. The kitchen was the best part of the house and I have so many wonderful memories of cooking and baking with the family in the kitchen. We brought Matthew home to this house and it makes me a little sad that he won't be able to grow up in the house in which he was born. But, we'll get a new house and make many more memories. I would like to say that this is our last move but since the Army owns my husband I can't! We are all jammed in a hotel suite (2 adults, 1 teenager, two small boys, 1 105# black lab and 3 cats) until we close on our new house but at least we're all together! We have on more week here in Minnesota and we are going to try and do a few fun things and then on Saturday, October 25th we'll make the move to a hotel in Wisconsin....and then we'll be cheese-heads!

What your Mantra?

To be completely honest I had never heard of a Mantra until my co-worker, Sue asked me if I had one. A Mantra is your own personal motto, which you live your life by. Sue's Mantra is "Enjoy Life". She says it over and over again and to help her live by her Mantra. So, I've been waiting for my Mantra to magically appear and sure enough, I was reading Sue's husband's blog this morning(he's a pastor)and his words became my Mantra. His blog ( ) was on the Israelites; after wondering in the desert for 40 years, Mosses had died and Jacob was now in charge to lead them across the Jordan River. Joshua had a huge job in front of him and God told Joshua three times to be strong and courageous and then he wrote my Mantra, "God will do what you cannot do" I read it and said, that's it...its my Mantra!! But, I had to put my own little twist on it, "God will do what Callie cannot do" I can't tell you how many time I try to do it all and I forget to "let go and let God" I'm so strong willed (just ask my hubby) that trying to let go of even the small stuff is really hard for me. God has carried my family through this move and what I couldn't do, He has done! He has very let me down even when I couldn't see His plan. So, this morning, I find my self over and over again saying, "God will do what Callie cannot do"

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Rain makes me home sick`

This fall we have had beautiful weather but today was the first day that I woke up to a very hard rain. When it rains like this I always think of home(yes, you guessed right, I'm from Seattle). So, this morning, I had to talk to both my parents and that helped a little but I'm feeling a little sad. Sad that I don't have enough money to hop on a plane to go home for a visit. Sad that my boys don't even know their grandparents or cousins. Sad, that I can't just pop over to my BFF Jeanells. Sad, that I had a new niece and can't even see her little face. Sad that its been 14 years since I've been in the same room with all my brothers! Sad that we have to leave our friends and church! So, today as the rain falls, a few tears are falling as well!!

Family Fall Pictures

Just a few pictures of the family. Last weekend we went to Thomas Lake, hung out and took a few pictures. It was a fun day!

Friday, October 3, 2008

A Spiritually Driven Move

So, Thomas and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this move to Wisconsin is 100%Spiritually Driven. Everything is falling magically into place, better then we ever thought and we thank God for the lessons that we are learning through this whole ordeal! I often wonder why we even doubt God, He never has let us down. I feel that God is always trying to teach us new lesson's, it just that some lessons are harder to learn then other but by His grace we always walk on.
We've learned a lot about our Faith in the past few months. We both think that God has something amazing planned for us in Wisconsin. He needs us to do something, I can't wait to see what that might be. He has been so faithful to our family and now we need to share that faith with others. 2008 has been a roller coaster year for The Helgeson's and right now we are on the very top and are able to look around and see all the beauty that surrounds us. We're going to hang on tight because I'm sure 2009 will bring many exciting twist and turns for The Helgesons! We'll keep you posted!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Grandpa Smith

Today I got one of those phone calls that no one wants to get. It was my best friend Jeanell and she was crying so hard that I could barley understand her. Then I heard the words that her Grandfather had passed away. Its so hard when someone you love dies, what do you say!? Ever since her Grandmother passed away all her grandfather wanted was to be with her. I can't help but think of the rejoicing up in heaven when he was taken home.
Jeanell, my good friend, stay strong! Remember all the wonderful times you shared with both of your grandparents. I will always remember your grandfather big, beautiful smile and watching him watching the grandchildren play. Remember that he loved you for who you are, just like our Heavenly Father.
You and your family are in my prayers and I hope that things can go as soon as possible with the family.

I love you,


I see the light

Well, this past week, I saw some light at the end of a very long tunnel! More then once I've had to do the happy dance. No, we haven't sold the house yet but God is doing other amazing things right now. The first one is that Thomas filed an appeal for DNRP and they have already responded, assigned a judge and have sent the paperwork over to Fort McCoy and they have 30 days to respond. The appeals is because out of the 300+ people that are going to move to Fort McCoy, the Government will buy their homes if they don't sell within 60 days. Out of those 300+ they aren't paying for the purchase of two homes, one was ours. Fort McCoy said we weren't effected by BRAC and because Thomas applied for a job (he had to apply for his current job, or he would have to take a different job with no management and lower pay)they said he was no longer effected by BRAC. Hello, of course we're effected because if he didn't apply he wasn't going to have a job!! So, we won't know the out come for about 60 days but I'm pretty happy that the ball is rolling and fairly quick.
Then second piece of new is involving my LapBand. There a lot of pre-work that has to be done before they will even submit to the Insurance Company. I received a phone call on Wednesday telling me that I had to go do some labs and long story short I'm done with all my pre-work and after a visit from the Physical Therapist on Wednesday, I'm done and my paper work will be sent to BCBS for approval. I am so excited!! I'm not scared one bit, just ready to start this process and get healthy for me and my family.
So, this week...I thankful for God's perfect timing. I'm still worried about selling our house but also know that He'll provide my every need! Thank you God!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

To blog or not to blog

I love to ready blogs. Everyday I log in to my computer and I have a little routine of blogs that I like to read and it drives me crazy when people wait weeks between post. Well guess what....its been several weeks for me!! What I will tell you is that life has been extra busy! We've had several open houses which means the house has to be really, really clean and then to add to the fun, we've been taking the kitties out of the house. Work has been crazy, the end of the fiscal year is approching so every one seems to be on edge. Plus, I'm training my replacement in Engineering, Sue is going to do a great job! I also started working part time in La Crosse. I'm going to really like my new job and can't be down in La Crosse full time!!
Kenna is doing an awesome job at school, Tom and I are very proud of her. Kevin will start speech this week and he's excited to be riding the bus again. Matt is the dancing king...he loves to groove to the music!! Besides that all is good.
Please pray for us! We will be moving October 24 and the house hasn't sold and we don't know what is going to happen if it doesn't sell before we leave! We have faith that God will provide but we still need your prayers!
So, now that that I've blogged I realize that I have to down load some pictures to blog more. I hope to do better!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Have you ever felt like Jesus was testing you and the Devil was tempting you! I feel that way right now. I feel that the Devil is draining my faith and that Jesus is trying to teach me to be even more faithful and to remember that I'm on His time and not my own. This shouldn't be an issue for me as He has always provided for my every need. I know, that I know, things will work out but right now I'm struggling!!

I've been so emotional the past few weeks and cry for no reason! Thomas works for the Army and he travel....I know this but for some reason I'm really clingy and just want to be with him!! The house and the move has a lot to do with this stress and not knowing what is going to happen. God provided Thomas and I with two good jobs in Wisconsin and know he'll provide us with a new home when ours sells.

So, please just pray for my family! That we can get through this!! That we can look back at and be thankful for lessons we have learned!!

Below are the lyrics to Jeremy Camps song, I will walk by faith. A very important song to me right now!

Will I believe you when you say
Your hand will guide my every way
Will I receive the words You say
Every moment of every day

Well I will walk by faith
Even when I cannot see
because this broken road
Prepares Your will for me

Help me to RID my endless fears
You've been so faithful for all my years
With the one breath You make me new
Your grace covers all I do

yeah, yeah , yeah, yeah, ya

well i will walk by faith
even when i cannot see
because this broken road
prepares your will for me

Well I'm broken- but I still see Your face
Well You've spoken- pouring Your words of grace

Well I will walk by faith
Even when I cannot see
Well because this broken road
Prepares Your will for me
Well I will walk by faith
Even when I cannot see
Well because this broken road
Prepares Your will for me

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Summertime is Ending

It's hard to believe that Labor Day is in less then a week and then it will be back to school time!! Where has the summer gone? We've been so busy this August; getting the house ready to sell, WeFest, Twin's Game and a house hunting trip down to Lacrosse!! Fall is my favorite season and I hope to enjoy it but with this up-coming move, I doubt I'll have time to do much relaxing.


I'm not sure why but today, I'm really stressed out. Perhaps, its because I had an argument with my husband before he left on his business trip. Perhaps, its the fact that he going to be gone again and there is nothing I can to about. Perhaps, its this move and trying to have enough faith to realize that God will provide my every need. Perhaps, its the fact that I had to write out a check for $445 for one week of daycare and knowing that if I were already in Wisconsin, it would be half as much. Could it be that I'm having a hard time adjusting to that fact that Makenna will start high school next week!! Work is crazy and I don't feel that I can catch up right now!! I start my new job in one week and have to figure out how I can pay for the gas back and forth! Oh and did I mention, that I'm not sleeping well!!! Gee, I wonder why!
Please pray for me this week, I'm feeling bogged down and a little depressed!! I know its just a bump in the road but today, it seems like a mountain!!

SSHHH.......Don't tell the children

This Friday is my day off and Thomas is taking the day off. We are taking the boys to daycare like normal but then we are headed to the Minnesota State Fair. No kids, just Thomas and I. Four the past four years, we have taken the kids usually in the evening after work or on a weekend and its always been a mad house. Plus we don't get to look at the stuff that we want to look at. So, we are taking a time out and are going to enjoy ourselves for the day!! And of course, eat food from a stick!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Church Shopping - Go with your Gut!!! (Sorry, long post)

So, we've known for sometime that we'd be relocating to the Fort McCoy area. So, I've been shopping on-line for churches and had a couple in mind. So, were were in LaCrosse this past weekend and decided to try out a church. So, I was looking on mapqest to find were the churches were and the church I really wanted to go to seemed too far away, so I went with my second choice....bad choice!!
First off let me back up and say how much we love our current church, River Valley Church in Apple Valley, its amazing. Tom and I have both grown spiritually in the past four years, the preaching is bible bases and Pastor Rob has the power to "reel you in" and make the message apply to you and then there is the Praise and Worship. Growing up Baptist I had never experienced anything so powerful as Raising my hands in worship....awesome!! I will miss everything about our church and trying to find what we have at River Valley is going to be a very difficult task.
Okay, so we go to this church (Sorry, I won't name it)and it is a beautiful building but you walking inside and it was cold. There was no one to greet you at the door or point out where children go. So, me being a mom, I asked one of the other mother's were the nursery was. I was told that the kids stay for praise and worship and then they go downstairs. This was an instant turn off for me because how can I worship and have one on one time with God and my church family if I'm chasing after two boys. So, we sit, try to sing but again, that is kind of hard when watching the boys. Worship was okay, but we found it odd that we didn't know one song!! Then the weird stuff started to happen. Speaking in tongues and flag waving....yes I said flag waving!! The pastor was up front and going back and forth between two different flags. I tried to picture Pastor Rob in my head running all over the front of the church waving flags...
So 3/4 way through worship (total of about 45 minutes) I left my poor husband while I took the boys into foyer because they were being too loud. Finally the kids started heading downstairs to their classroom. Tom and I took both boys and got them all settled and they went back up stairs. They had a guess speaker and I heard about how wonderful his way and how he had healed people all over the world. Right then and there I knew we were in trouble. Long story short, he had an invitational for healing at the end of service. He said that the Lord had spoke to him and that there were many people with neck and back problem (Hello....doesn't everyone!!!) So, about 30 people went forward and he asked other members of the church to come and lay hands on these people and they prayed!! After the prayers he asked if anyone felt a warming sensation because that meant that God had healed them. Nine people raised their hands. He then said that God spoke to him and that 9 people would be healed today. Tom and I just looked at each other and Tom asked if we should go and get the boys and we did. The service at that point was over 2 hours long and they were still going.
We know that this church wasn't for us. It was so fake and at times it was hard for me not to laugh. So, we will continue to search and pray that we find a church home that will meet our families needs.

Old Brown Lazy-Boy Chair

So, Thomas is gone and anytime he's not home, I just don't sleep as well. Kevin thinks it a huge treat when Dad is gone because I let him sleep in bed with me....I'm not sure why I do this because I don't sleep well with him in bed. So, I'm sleeping and I heard Matt on the baby monitor, so I go down stairs, put his binki back in and give him a few pats and he's back to sleep. Of course then I'm not tired, so I trow in a load of laundry and then watch a little TV and then next thing I know, its 3am. So, instead of going back to bed I decided to grab my blankie and take a nap in the Old Brown Lazy-Boy Chair. I don't get to sit in the chair that often because Thomas is always in it. I spend the few month of my pregnancy with Kevin sleeping in that chair because I couldn't sleep in our bed. So, I got all comfy and fell asleep right away and woke up at 5:30 and I felt awesome. So, I guess the next time I can't sleep, I'll go downstairs and sleep in the Old Brown Lazy-Boy Big Man Rocker!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

My baby starts High School

On Saturday, we receive all of Makenna's paperwork for her freshman year of High School!! This just doesn't seem right!! She was a curly haired baby just a few years ago and now she's in High School. I think this scares me because I know what I did in High School and I can't even imagine my daughter doing those things. I remember my BFF Jeanell and I hangin' out at the mall, cruzin' in the Dodge, checking out SB's and SBBBB....and because she's my daughter, I can't totally see her doing the same thing...Scary!!! Last year was a really hard year for Makenna and I know this year is going to be better. I hope the next for year go well for KJ because I'm going to blink and I'll be sending her off to college.....

Happy Anniversary

Today Thomas and I celebrate 8 years of marriage, what a crazy ride its been, some days are good, some days aren't so good but I'm so thankful to have him by my side! Year #8 will bring a move from Minnesota to Wisconsin and two new jobs. We are already feeling the stress of moving but know that things will be better because always provides!!
So, to my dear sweet husband, if you are reading this....
I love you, thank you for loving me when I don't make it easy for you. Can't imagine life without you!!! ILYMTYEK.....C

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Don't brush your teeth at 1:30am

So, if you read my last post, I was up late last night but before I went to bed, I went to brush my teeth. I was so tired that some how I jammed my tooth brush into my upper gum and made myself bleed. When I woke up this morning, my gums were very sore and I looked in the mirror an have a bruise above my teeth. I'm not so graceful in the early morning hours!!

My Sweet Little Kevin

Kevin is the sweetest and loving little boy!! He has very good manners and always says, "please and thank you" but not the normal way, he'll say, "Oh, thank you, Mommy, you are the best mommy ever". So, of course, I eat that up.

So, this morning on our way into work I turned down the radio and say, "Kevin, I love you". He then told me that I said it all wrong and should have said, "Kevin, I love you more then all the tea in China". So, I told him that I loved him more then all the tea in China and he then told me that he loved me too.

Then I told him that my Grandmother use to tell me that all the time when I was a little girl. He asked me my Grandma's name and I told him, Granny Mo. I then told him that she died and now lives in Heaven but I loved her very much. Then he told me that he also loved her very much. I said, "Kevin, but you didn't even know her". He he said, "But, I still love her". Out of the mouth of Babes he brought a tear to my eye.

I love you Kevin, more then all the tea in China!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

It's 1am, guess what I'm doing?

If you know me know what I'm doing at 1am. You guessed it....I'm baking! Thomas is hosting a conference for about 24 people and he needed an am snack and a pm snack. He was going to go and buy stuff and I volunteer myself to make both. In retrospect, I should have just let him buy the stuff. But, this meeting is with all Thomas new employee's. His staff is flying in from Seattle, Salt Lake, Wichita and Kansas, I thought I would impress them with some mouth-watering goodies. For the am snack, I made a cinnamon coffee cake and for the pm snack, I made rolled out sugar cookies, with all different patriot shapes.

I'm all done, my kitchen is clean and now I'm not sleepy and I have to get up in four hours....I'll be tired tomorrow!

I have to say when I'm up all night baking, I find it very relaxing!! Baking is my background, its kind of like going home! I think about my baking teacher and the wonderful relationship we shared. I'm thankful that even 16 later Erhard and I remain friends. Since everyone is sleeping in their beds, my mind wonders, mainly about the future. Makenna was helping me earlier and I was telling her that I want to know some of her favorite things that I make so when are grown and come home and they'll ask me to cook or bake their favorite goodie or dish. I found out that Makenna's very favorite thing I make is Clam Chowder ("with corn, Mom"). So, next week, I think I'll surprise her a make it. I think about the boys, will they have a favorite food? I love that when we go home Tom's mom will make Beef Stroganoff, its his favorite and she knows it. I thought a lot tonight about our upcoming move. All the hard work we've done as a family. And, now I think I'm really tired and need to go to bed....

I can't believe it....

Well, its finally happened....our house is on the market!! We have work so hard to get everything done. Yesterday we walked outside to go to Costco (the bad store)and the lock box and temporary for sale sign were up. Thomas and I briefly panicked because we knew this meant we were going to have to step it up just to keep the house clean and in show condition. Tom and I were both up until around 11:30. There was more vacuuming, moping, folding clothes and putting them away before we could go to bed. We are praying that this process will happen quickly so we can move to Wisconsin!! But, we also know we are on God's time...

Thursday, July 31, 2008

I didn't forget.....

After yesterdays little incident, I didn't forget to brush teeth this morning!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Dental Hygene

So, I was running a little late for work today and all the way out the door, Kevin had to go potty. I grabbed Matt and told Kevin when he was finished to come out to the van. I was strapping Matt in when Kevin comes out in tears. I asked him what was wrong and he said, "You forgot to brush my teeth". So, I finish strapping Matt in, shut the garage door (I didn't want to take Matt out of the car-seat) and took Kevin back into the house. I put him up on the counter and asked if he wanted to brush or if I should do it for him. He wanted me to do it. So, I brushed and he spit! I was 10 minutes late to work today but I didn't mind because it was so important for him to brush his teeth. Once we got to school, I told me that I had to take his picture and makes sure a smile really big so I could see his shiny, clean teeth!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My Little Computer Geek

My little Matthew William is a Computer Geek....maybe it's because I was on the computer so much when I was pregnant, who knows?! But, as soon as he could push the buttons, he's became fascinated!! I don't know how many times he's made my work disappear, you'd think I'd learn to not leave my computer unattended. Before our trip on Sunday, I ran upstairs to grab something and this is how I found him. Me, being the mom, I ran for my camera and left the computer in harms way. I caught him with his little impish grin...this is Matt is true form.

House Hunting Trip

On Sunday morning we packed the van and headed down to the LaCrosse area to start our 1st serious house hunting trip. We looked at four house and the one pictured above is our favorite. Tom and I had seen the house on a differnt trip and thought it was okay, this time we loved it. 2 acres, 3 car garage, 4 bedroom 2 1/2 baths. Lots of room for the kids to play, and there are only 10 houses on the street. So, we have to get our house on the market this week and pray that the house sells so we can make an offer.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Snake Break

So for my afternoon break I went down at got to play with snakes at the daycare. They are a man visiting with all kinds of snakes and was fun. This is Kevin and I holding a mexican albino corn snake.

I break boys

I love that my boys are at Daycare in my building. I love that I can see them when ever I want. I go to the cafeateria every day at 11am to refill my ice and everyday Matthew is the hall with his friends going for a buggy ride. I get to hold him, kiss him and say Hi to all of his friends. Yesterday was a great day. It was a beautiful Minnesota morning and at 10am I took a break to go an watch Kevin play soccer. On my way, I saw Matt outside playing so I went and hung out with him for a few minutes...even though there was a fence between us, we enjoyed our visit. Next, I was off to go watch Kevin. Once again, I'm the only parent there. I know how lucky that I'll allowed to go for a few minutes to watch. Kevin sees me and then I have to remind him to listen to the coach and pay attention....but they're 4, they are busy looking at bug and taking potty breaks to really play soccer but they still have fun. So, on my way back to my desk, I reminded myself, once we move that I just won't be able to pop in and see the boys when ever I want. So, I'm thankful for the time left here and all the chances I have to see the boys when I want. What a way to spend a break!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What's the BUZZ

So, last night I was picking things up on the upper deck and there was a paper grocery bag when had been hiding under the deck all winter. So, I went to throw it in the trash, I picked it up...only to drop it, grab the boys and run into the house. The bag was full of bees. So, I told Thomas right away and he took a very long extension pole and moved it to the an area of the deck so he could spray into the bag to kill the bees. We went out to supper and then off to buy stray to kill the bees. Once at home Thomas went into the back yard, sprayed the bag and then ran far away. No bee stings!!! We know have to let it sit for 24 hours before we remove...and being the great and loving wife that I am, I'm going to let my hubby throw the sack away!!

Oh, what a beautiful morning!!

They say that a picture is worth a 1,000 words...only if I would have had my camera this morning. It's a beautiful morning a light breeze and 68 degrees. Every morning, I am blessed to cross the Minnesota River via the Cedar Bridge. It over looks the wetlands at the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge. It is such a beautiful can see wildlife in the wetlands but also, in the background you can see Minneapolis and the plains flying into truly is an amazing picture. It makes me so proud to be working for Fish & Wildlife because that is my Refuge that I support. It's a great feeling to know that what I do makes a difference in this world.
Bottom line, God painted me a beautiful picture this morning and I'm so thankful!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Granny Mo

Today I miss my Granny Mo. I can't believe that she's been gone for almost 7 months now. She always comes to me when I least expect it, invading my thoughts and reminding me to pick myself up and keep going. When she comes, she always makes me cry, I think the tears are a result of the guilt that I feel because I didn't call her when she needed me most. Its hard to talk to someone who you know they are dying. I wish I could somehow take it all back; just to talk to her one more time. I have so many wonderful memories with her that I will share with my children. Makenna is the lucky one because she has a memory of Granny but my boys won't have even one memory of the great woman she was. I am truly blessed to come from a family of strong woman...because of their choices,I am the woman I am today!!

Sunday Afternoon Break

We've been so busy trying to get the house ready to sell that's we haven't had a lot of time to do "fun stuff" So, sunday afternoon I took the kids to Kelly Park to hang out and just play for an hour. We had so much fun. It was a little windy out but it didn't stop Matt and Kenna from getting wet. The house should be all done and ready for show by next weekend and I look forward to taking the kids to the waterpark, going on picnics and a trip to the zoo!

Friday, July 11, 2008

The Last Comic Standing

I truly believe that God is the "Last Comic Standing"!! Over the past few years, I have come to believe that God has a sense of humor! He always seems to give me a lesson but with some kind of twist. Like when we got pregnant with the boys. It took us three years to get pregnant with Kevin and we figures that it would take just as long to get pregnant with Matt....only two months of trying and we were pregnant....we were totally not prepared but are so thankful for the gifts he gave us when we received them
God often teaches me through song. I love contemporary christian music, it touches my soul and I can freely raise my hands in worship. Casting Crowns is an amazing group and their song, "I will praise you in the storm" and help me get through a couple dark nights. I also really like the band, Third Day. It was the first Christian concert I attended and the first time I raised my hands in worship(I will never forget that feel, hands raised and tears falling).
So, this morning I was walking the boys into daycare and the hall lights were all off and all you could really see was the light at the end of the hall. So, me by me,I started singing, "There's a light at the end of the tunnel....there's a light at the end of the tunnel for you....for you". I didn't really think the words I was singing....I was just singing. Then I get to my office and get the computer all plugged in, turn on the ihome and what song you come on the radio but, "There's a light at the end of the tunnel. So, I have to stop and think of what God is trying to tell me, what is the big picture here. I thought about it and right now trying to sell this house is killing Tom and I. We are under so much stress trying to get everything done and get the house sold. We know we are going to have to live a part but for how long. But today, I had a peace about the whole thing...there is a light at the end of the tunnel...and my light is Jesus Christ. We know this move will be a success if we remember to keep our eyes on Him. I know everything will work out but with God's sense of humor, who knows how its going to end.
Below are the lyris to the song....

I won't pretend to know what you're thinking
I can't begin to know what you're going through
I won't deny the pain that you're feeling
But I'm gonna try and give a little hope to you

Just remember what I've told you
There's so much you're living for

There's a light at the end of this tunnel
There's a light at the end of this tunnel
For you, for you
There's a light at the end of this tunnel
Shinin' bright at the end of this tunnel
For you, for you
So keep holdin' on

You've got your disappointments and sorrows
You ought to share the weight of that load with me
Then you will find that the light of tomorrow
Brings a new life for your eyes to see

So remember what I've told you
There's so much you're living for

"Use your mouth for words not biting"....

I've had to use those words twice this week with Kevin. Twice, I gotten a phone call from his teacher, saying that some child took a toy way for a child and then Kevin has bitten the child. So, twice this week, I've gone downstairs to talk to him and remind him that it's not okay to bite some one even if they've upset you. Today I made him call his father on the phone to tell him what he had done....that was very emotional from him to do!!! I'm not sure why the biting is going on. He did just move to a new classroom and we have a lot of changes going on at home with this up coming move. But, I'm hoping that it won't happen again. I did tell him if I get another phone call from his teacher that he bit a child, he would have to get a spanking...and yes, I do spank my children but only when I have to. So, as you go about your day today, just remember to use your mouth for words, not for biting!!

Me & my "Blankie"

It's true, I'm 36 years old, a wife, a mother of three and the proud owner of my "blankie". This is a horrible picture of me but I'm hoping you'll look past that and look at the love I have for this blanket. Makenna took this picture of my in the Orlando airport after spending 7 very long days doing the whole Disney thing....yes, I was a little tired.
My BFF Jeanell made it for me right our family was moving to Germany....its been like a friend ever since. I carefully packed in suitcase when I had Kevin and he cuddled in the hospital bed with us both. It travel with me though out Europe. It took several trips over the ocean and then back again. It was at the hospital with me both time when I had surgery. I wasn't as organized with the birth of Matthew but when my husband when home to pick up the other kids, without asking he brought my blanket. I always take my blanket camping and it hangs out at the campfire. Its been puked, pooped, peeped and spilled on but it always washes clean.
I want my BBF Jeanell to know that my blanket is one of my more treasured possessions. Even though we live far away, I always feel close to her because of this gift that she made for me, by her own hands and with love!! Miss you, Jeanell!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sunday at the Lake

We were so blessed to have spent this past Sunday at the Lake with the Etzlers. We ate BBQ and just hung out for the day. The kids all played in the water and got to go out on the jetski and in the evening we all went on a boat ride. What a great day!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Zoloft....take me away

Okay, I'm so stressed out that not even the Zoloft is touching my anxiety!! I feel that the house is a weight that can't be lifted from my shoulders. The cleaning is never ending...the children make mess after mess and the animals have hair all over the just makes me want to scream. How can I keep this place clean, work 40 hours a week, take care of kids, try to paint and do other repairs all while my husband is out of town........AAAHHHHH!!!!!
So, that is my blog for of stress!!

I know it will all work out but right now on Tuesday, July 8 at 4:46pm....I'M STRESSED!!!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Stress. stress. stress

I recently read that moving is the 3 largest cause of stress in America, after death and divorce. Boy, today I'm feeling that stress!!! Tomorrow the realtor is coming over to the house and I'm not ready....but if we don't get the ball rolling, Thomas and I are going to have to live apart longer then we want to. The house is some-what clean, I'll freshen up tonight but things won't get real clean until the kids go up North to my in-laws and my father-in-law comes here to help us out for a few days. We did get a storage until which I'm thankful for because I can now store stuff that we currently aren't using and it also help make the house look a little larger. I pray that it doesn't take long for it to sell but in this market, who knows. Our house is a great starter house and is very homey (yes, its small). We've had four great years there and I hope that another couple will enjoy it as much as we have. So, keep us in your prayers....we'll need it!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I love to Copy.....NOT!!

Don't take this blog the wrong way....I love my job BUT there are also some duties that I'm not overly fond would be coping. First off, you have to understand that I work for Engineers, and Engineers seem to like paper and different sizes of paper at that!! So, this morning I had one of my Engineers hand me a huge pile of papers and he asked me if I could make him, "just one copy"!! So, for the next hour, I removed staples and then re-stapled, unfolded and refolded drawings, had to go to a special copier to print the drawing and then copy over two thousand pages of Engineering stuff. When I handed it to the Engineer he commented on how fast I got it done and I told him is was one of my least favorite things to do, so I got it done right away so it wasn't sitting on my desk. He did thanked me but I wonder if he stopped to think about the hour worth of work I lost just to copy his paperwork. I doubt it!!!

With this up-coming move, I've thought a lot of my career and what direction I want it to go. I am so thankful to have a job and also to be employeed by the Government, I am blessed but I think its time for a change. Because Ft. McCoy is a smaller base, I can't be too picky so I might have to take a secretarial type job but once I get my foot in the door, I'm going to try something different. There are so many unknown right now; were we are going to live, are we going to be able to sell our house, how long with Thomas and I have to live apart, will I find job!!!! I'm sure we'll look back at this time in our lives and being able to have a good laugh and look what we got out of the whole experience. But as of today, I feel a little stressed and overwhelmed but I'm thankful for my husband & children, good health and my job....even if it does involve coping.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Disney on the Brain

Okay, I have to admit that I have Disney on the Brain. I can't get any work done and I still have a whole day of work tomorrow....

Total random thought from Callie

So, I was getting out of the shower this morning and I said to myself, "I can't wait to brush my teeth, my mouth tastes awful". So, as I'm brushing my teeth I can't help but think of two of my co-workers who have to worse smelling breath ever. I wonder if they get out of the shower and say, hmmm, my mouth tastes awful, I better brush my teeth. Then I wonder if its a medical condition but I would think they would have it check out or at least chew on mints or gum. I have a phobia about bad breath so I alwasy have gum or mints with me. I really wish other people would do the same.
So, that it my totally randome thought for the day!!

Very Mad

I was so made last night!!! At 9:30 the doorbell rings and its a young man wanting me to fill out a survey. Excuse me, I have two babies that were sleeping but woke up because the dog was barking. So, I tried to be nice and said that I'm busy with my boys and then shut the door. Then Matthew was very upset that he cried for the next hour and then I had to rock him back to sleep, it was 11 by the time he was back to sleep. Poor Kevin couldn't sleep because Matt was crying and he went to bed around 11 as well. Both boys didn't want to wake up this morning and were a little on the cranky side but Spiderman fruit-snacks seemed to help a little.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I just wanted to wish my daughter, Makenna Jo, a "Happy Birthday" I hope you have a great day even if all we're doing is watching you play softball and eat cake.

I like you forever
I love you for alway
as long as I'm living
my baby you will be.

Love you,

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Stealing from another Blog

So, I was on my best friends, pastor's blog this afternoon and the end of his blog, he wrote the saying below. Its simple yet beautiful.

In the light of His Grace, I walk on!!

Its just what I needed for todady

Makenna Jo

Tomorrow is the big B-day for Makenna, I can't believe that she'll be 14. Time has gone by so quickly and I know that I'll blink my eyes and she'll be graduating from High School.
If you haven't met Makenna, you should, she is amazing person, I just wish she could realized that. Makenna is a beautiful person who is funny, talented and loving. Her favorite subject is Language Arts and I love to read her stories, even though they are sometimes dark. She loves to draw and her art work decorates my cubical. This year was her third year in Speech, she speaks so well, I always sit back and let my chest swell with pride as she performs. She is active in Job's Daughters and loves hanging out with all her Jobie friends. Right now she's in the middle of her softball season but her favorite sport is volleyball and Thomas and I were so proud when she made the varsity team. One of Makenna's best qualities is her love for her brothers. Makenna was old enough to understand all the fertility treatments and the miscarriage we had to go through to get pregnant. She was there for the the ultrasounds and was always one of the first visitor to see both of her brothers. They love her so much and when she's not home they miss her so much.
This last year was a hard year for Makenna. Everyone says its the age and they are just going through a stage, this isn't the case for Makenna. Makenna is a survivor of sexual abuse and even though the abuse ended almost 10 years ago, but the scares are still fresh for her. I feel that as her parent I've done everything I can to help her, she's been in therapy since age 4, I'm there for her, I pray for her; what else can I do?! At age 11 Makenna had her first suicide attempt, she tried to hang her self with a scarf. I didn't find this out until several months later after a huge fight and I told her should could tell me anything....I meant it but that wasn't what I was expecting. We changed therapist and Makenna went threw countless testing and she was diagnosed with ADD, Post traumatic Stress Syndrome, Depression, Obstinate/defiant disorder and several other things. Next thing I knew my 12 year old was on three different medications to "help her" One of the medication is called Abilfy. I was told by the Doctor not read up on the drug (that should have been my first clue) because it would scare the crap out of me. We played with her meds, things seemed to be oaky, there were still huge fights but we thought she was better....until I received a phone call from my husband who was in Atlanta on travel. I could tell that something was wrong by the sound of his voice, I asked him if something had happened to one of his parents, he said no that he just talked to the police and Makenna was on the way to the ER because she had swallowed a bunch of pill (36 ibuprofen). I have no idea how I even got to the hospital that day. I remember calling my mother in hysterics and my best friend. I got into the ER and I couldn't even speak. When I saw Makenna I hugged her and we both cried. She was being hooked up to the EKG machine and they were doing lots of testing to check for liver damage. I was an emotional wreak. Tom was trying to catch a flight home, he did remember to call the church and one of our pastor's came to the hospital to pray with her. Long story short, Makenna stayed for 7 days in the Adolescence Mental Health of the University. They immediately took her off the Abilify because its not FDA approved for children under 18 and it was causing her to have suicidal thought and another side effect was Tardive dyskinesia, aka facial ticks. The next few months were were okay, still some under lying problems, going to therapy, ect. One night after dinner and an argument, we her Makenna throwing up and Thomas said to her, Makenna did to take more pills. She said yes but this time it was so much worse, she took almost a 100. I can't describe how I felt at the moment...I was angry and sad all at the same time. Because Makenna had taken so many pills they were worried about liver and kidney damage. They decided to give her charcoal the drink. Then 15 minutes later she started to throw it all up. I will never forget the scene, it will never be eased from my mind. My daughter covered in black puke, she was in and out of reality and there was nothing I could do for her; it was a nightmare. Another long story short is that she spend another week and the University and the Doctor's told us that there was nothing they could do for her there, she'd have to be sent away. Unless you've gone threw this before those worked are paralyzing. So, Makenna spent 10 very long weeks up North in Brained. Thomas and I had to make weekly trip for family theraphy but I really truly believe that is has made a difference. Things have been better since she's been home, a there are still some problems. She is really mad at God right now and wants nothing to do with him. She won't go to church with us. We have fought over and we talked to both our pastor and the therapist and they said it not worth the flight to make her go. Its very hard on our family but we try, because its all we know how to do. So, we have good days and we have bad days but everyday we do have I'm thankful for. We pray for her safety every time we leave the house, we worry and call to check on her more then we should but, it what we have to do.
So, now to move forward. We've put our trust in God that he'll take care of her. That she'll go back to Him when she is ready. I've learned that my two little boys helped me go on when I felt like shutting down, they needed me to be there to take care of them even when I felt I couldn't take care of my self. My husband Thomas, what a blessing, what a rock. He held me when I cried and helped to move forward. I can't imagine not having him in my life. If we can make it through this we can make it though anything. Tom and I are so thankful for our small group at church, they lifted our family up in prayer and helped us through this journey. Our prayer is to help Makenna through this time in her life and we hope to help other families with this kind of problem. To be a sholder to lear on when they don't know where to go and to pray for them and to say, I've been there, I know how you feel!
So, Happy Birthday to my sweet baby girl. I love you more then you will ever now and I pray that we can share many, many birthdays together!!

Feeling Better

Well everyone is feeling a little bit better today, well enough to go back to school or work. Tom and I were the sickest out of the family and we still haven't eaten anything since Monday. I did bring some rice for lunch today so we'll see if I feel like eating later. I still don't feel 100% but I'd rather be sick now then when we are at Disney next week.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Mom's are amazing

I think as children we never understand all the work that mother do! Of course, know I understand completely. Yesterday, I was sick with a flu bug, I was so sick that I could barley drive home from work and within hours I was suffering from all the wonderful symptoms related to the flu. I could barely stay awake let a lone take care of the kids or the house. Thank you to Makenna for helping out with the boys yesterday, I couldn't have done it without you!!! So, I stayed home for work today and still felt awful all morning. After a nap, I started feeling better and I decided to pick up the house. Holy cow, I don't know what happened to my home with in the past 24 hours. I have a wonderful husband but he doesn't really notice when the house is a mess and besides, he is the one that I got the flu from so he was pretty useless yesterday!! So day today, I did the dished and picked up a little bit but tomorrow its back to work for and hopeful I'll be up to cleaning the rest of the house!
I just wanted to tell all the mom's out there that you are amazing and thank you for doing all you do!!

Do you own Spiritual Sweatpants?

This week at church our Pastor talked about spiritual sweatpants, sin that we are so comfortable with its like slipping on that old favorite pair of sweats. Sin that just slipped right into our lives, sin we longer have to justify because we just grown accustom to it. Stepping outside our comfort zone is never easy and sometime just letting go of our sin seems impossible. I often think that pride keeps us from admitting our sin or keeps us from forgiving ourselves when we sin as Christian. But as Christian is is so important not to forget that were saved through His grace. In Ephesians 2:8 it says, For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.
In the past few days, I've been forced to think about what sin I've grown comfortable with and what I need to do let go of it. I no longer want to slip my sinful sweatpants!!


I'm not sure how is happened but everyone in the house is sick with the flu!!! It wouldn't be so bad if I was sick as well but I'm so weak!!! I hope and pray that everyone is better soon!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


One of the qualities that attracted my husband to be was his work ethic. For those of you that don't know, Thomas and I met on-line....risky, yes but the one of the things he was proud of was his job. A civilian Navy employee came to North Dakota State University and recruited Tom straight from College to go and work for the Navy!! Thomas worked long and hard hours for 10 years and I was so proud of what he had accomplished. We were married not even 3 months and Thomas came home and asked how I felt about going overseas. I thought it was awesome but to be honest, I never thought it was going to happen. 3 months later, we were on our way to Germany and Thomas started working for the Army. We both learned a lot during our time overseas and once again, I was proud of him and his accomplishments. Then we moved to to Minnesota and my husband has worked harder and longer hours that he has ever done before. I'll wake up at 2 in the morning and he'll be answering email, more then anything I would love for him to come to bed but his job is the help our soldiers and if I have to sacrifice my time with Thomas so he can help out our soldiers, I'm okay with that. Now Thomas has hit another big mild-stone in his career, two weeks ago we received the news that Thomas was selected on the Engineering Officer at Ft. McCoy, WI. Thomas is only the 3rd civilian to be hired to start at the new location. I'm so proud of him!! So, this move is going to be crazy but I know this is where we are meant to be! So, Mr. Helgeson....I love you so very much. Thank you for all you do here at home and for our soldiers both in the US and overseas.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Spirital Rest

Have you ever felt like you were wondering aimlessly through the Desert!!?? Boy, I have, in fact, I'm there right now! There is so much going on right now, I'm not sleeping well, someday dealing with Makenna is exhausting, my husband is alway out of town and I'm just tired. I think as a mother we all get tired, there is no rest. I often feel that I want to through my arms in the air and say, "God, just give me a break" Then I have to step back and try and look at the big picture....what is God trying to show me? Am I being faithful to him to praying and reading my bible. God is always there for me, am I there for Him, living for Him?! I feel that I'm trying but am I trying hard enough?
This weekend I'm going to take time and reflect on all the blessing that I have been given. I plan on having some one on one time with God while out hiking. Praying and talking out loud to God. I need...Spirital Rest. I'm so looking foward to this weekend with my family, spending time outside and watching all of God's beauty that surrounds us.

As I was writing this blog, I was reminded of a song by Mark Schulz, called "40 Days" This song is life!

Lord, I came to the mountaintop
To be with You
I felt Your grace falling down like rain
And I was made new

But there are times like now when I'm all dried out

And it's like 40 days out in the desert
Feeling like I'm lost forever
And crying out for You
But in these 40 days I'm going to seek You
With my heart because I believe You
Have brought me to this place
These 40 days

Lord, Your ways are not my own
But I trust You
Lord, You say, "You are not alone,
For I am with you"

But there are times like now when You can't be found


'Cause You are with me
You never leave me
Even when my world turns upside down
'Cause there are times like now when I will
Trust somehow

Unplugged, Blogging & Ft. McCoy info

This afternoon I'll be officially unplugged. No cell phone, lap top or blackberry....I can't wait. Our family is heading to central MN to camp at Glacier Lake State Park. I'm so excited to get camp set up sit in my chair and read a book...oh and the camp fire and a drink!!! Awesome!

Okay, so I didn't make the 14 days of blogging. I'll try again when I get home from our trip!

Tom has a new start date of 08/18/2008. We have so much to do and right now it seems so overwhelming but I know we'll get it down. I gave my office notice last week. They new it was coming and its hard because I really like my job!!

Anyways, I'll write more in a couple of day, have a great weekend and get outside and enjoy yourself

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

It's Official

This morning, Thomas receive a phone call from the Civillian Personal Office offering him a job at Ft. McCoy, WI and of course, he accepted!!! Now comes the hard part...getting our house ready to sell and then looking for a new house. It will take us about a month to get the house ready and once the house goes on the market, he have to get three appracial and if the house doesen't sell within 60 the government will buy our house for the average of the appracils. So, if we don't sell, its okay!! Thomas has 60 days to report for duty. The kids and I will stay here in Minnesota until mid-August and we'll go from there. I'm sure they'll be lots of updates, so come back to visit.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day Weekend

We had a nice Mother's Day weekend. Saturday we didn't do much of anything, Matt and I went to the grocery store early, I was having a craving for Cantaloupe and since it was the weekend, I picked up a dozen donuts. I got home and Kevin was up and before long Makenna Jo was up and we all let Thomas sleep until almost 10am. We kicked back and watch a tv...a very lazy morning, I wasn't even stressed out doing laundry or cleaning the house...I very much enjoyed doing nothing. Around noon, Thomas, Matthew and myself headed out to go look at flowers and bark for the yard. We bought about $50 worth of flower some how we ended up spending $120....Oh, Thomas had to by fishing stuff for our up-coming camping trip. We get home and Thomas and Kenna go out shopping for my Mother's Day gift. So, Matt, Kevin and I start planting flower. I love that my boys love to be outside. It started to sprinkle so Kevin went inside...not my Matt he stayed with Mom until I finished all the planting. So, I took my little Matt (kicking & screaming)into the house for a warm bath, which he also seemed to enjoy. I started supper (Steak, yum) and wanted for Tom to get home to put meat on the grill. It was a very nice evening.
Sunday I was taken to a beautiful brunch. I think little Matthew ate more then anyone. Later that afternoon Makenna and I went to Fashion Bug to spend one of my Mother's Day Gift certificate and then we headed home. I was hoping to catch a nap but when I returned home, Thomas was sleeping in this chair, with Kevin sleeping on his lap and poor Matt was in his room crying. So, I got the baby and we went outside and started to get stuff ready for our camping trip next week. Later, Thomas, Kenna and Kevin joined us. Thomas mowed the lawn and we cleaned things up and out in the garage that have been stored all winter long. When we were all finished we enjoye a game of Lawn Golf, Thomas and I didn't win. Then it was time for supper and we had chicken and asparagus on the grill. It was awesome.
So, that was my weekend!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

And the winner is.............Thomas Helgeson

One of the things that attracted me to my husband was his work ethic! He is one of the hardest working men I've ever known. When he is home, he works in the office for 9 hours, comes home and spends time with the family. Then when the kids go to bed, the computer comes out and he starts working again, sometime even until 1 or 2 in the morning. Sometimes, I get a little jealous because I would love for him to spend more time with me but he's busy tried to take care business to support our troops both here in the States and in Iraq.
So, his hard work has once again paid off. Last year he won an award for the Base Op Engineer of the Year for the Army Reserve. He didn't attend the awards ceremony because Matthew was still in the NICU! Then this year he did it again, he was one of the winner of the Civil Servant of the Year Award 2008. About 50 other Federal employees received the same award but I was proudest wife in the room. Way to go Thomas, I know how dedicated you are to your work and its nice when other also notice. I love you, T!!

Happy Mother's Day

So, its Mother's Day and I'm up before the rest of the family...taking a few minutes for myself when I should be downstairs doing the laundry.
This morning, I'm thinking of my Mother. She is so tired from starting a new Resturant, I wish I lived closer so we could spend more time together and I could help her. I was so lucky to spend 10 days with her in Febuary. I know today will be a hard day for her because she lost her own mother in October so its the first Mother's Day without her own Mother. So, this Mother's Day, I"m thankful that I still have my mother!!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Matt loves to be outside

Matthew not only shares my hair color, temper and stuborness but also my love of being outdoors. I was cleaning out the front flowerbed and Matt just loved to play in the dirt and eat everything. He tried rocks, sticks and a few tulips...those where his favorite. I can't wait to take him camping in a few weeks...I know he'll have a ball!!