Thursday, June 11, 2009

#6 - Way to go Jen!!!

Today is a very special day for my friend Jen!!! It's her 6th and final round of Chemo!! She is one of the most beautiful people I know and I'm so proud of her and this roller-coaster journey that she's been on since January! Her can do attitude has inspired me to do things I've never done before!! I don't know how many times in the past few months that I've said to myself, "Callie, Jen is battling cancer, you can walk another mile". I'm thankful for Jen's family and friends who have helped and encouraged her when she has needed it most. If you know Jeni you know how amazing she is and she didn't even let cancer damper her spirit.
Jen, Good Luck today!! So many, many people will be thinking and praying for you today. Always, always remember that, "we can do hard things"

Saturday, June 6, 2009

I did it!!!

Well, today I did something that six months ago, I never thought possible. I walked/jogged in a 5K race today! This is the first time I've ever participated in a race so I didn't know what to expect. Despite the fact that I am 25 pounds lighter and 15 inches smaller I was still one of the biggest ladies there and I have to admit that its very intimidating to be surrounded by all these fit and trim woman wearing their fancy running clothes. But I had to remind myself that I'm not running this race for anyone but me, I had to prove to myself that I could do it. Its my starting point, I will compare all other races to this one!! I guess there were about 200 runners and the starting point was the see all those people pass me in the beginning but I had to remind myself to put one foot in front of the other and keep on keeping on and that is what I did through out the whole race. I never quit, I never stopped for water, I just kept on going. I've been training for several weeks but today during the last 1/2 mile I was very emotional....just thinking about how far I've come in a short amount of time. Then I turned the corner and could see the finish line, there was my 6' 8" husband (he's easy to spot in a crowd) waiting for me. I'm so thankful the Tom and the boys were there waiting for me to finish!! Crossing the finish line was the most amazing feeling ever, I can't wait to do it again.
I want to thank my friend Jenifer who has given me the strength to never give up. When I'm tired and don't want to go on, I can hear her voice in my head, "we can do hard things, Callie"!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Going Green

I guess the Going Green slogan has now effected my 5 year old. This morning as we were driving to school he yelled for me to stop. I said why? He told me that there was garbage on the side of the road and I needed to pick it up. I said, why should pick up the garbage on the side of the road. He responded, "Because if you don't do your part, the earth will get sick". I got a kick out of that one!!