Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Feeling a little Melancholy

–noun 1. a gloomy state of mind, esp. when habitual or prolonged; depression.
1. sadness, dejection, despondency. 2. seriousness. 4. gloomy, despondent, blue, dispirited, sorrowful, dismal, doleful, glum, downcast. 6. serious.

I consider myself a pretty up beat person however, the past few weeks I've really been struggling. Don't worry, I'll be fine just feeling a little melancholy tonight.

Thomas is once again on travel and its never easy running a household when your partner is out of town. Travel is a normal part of his job and I'm so proud of him and what he does to support our soldiers. While I miss him when he's gone I totally support the mission. However, there are some night that I miss him more then others, kind of like tonight. Usually he's home for the weekend but he'll be gone until 1/14. I've planned extra activites to stay busy but weekends aren't the same without Thomas around.

For those of you that don't know my brother Joe and his family were involved in a house fire. Joe, Connie, Josh, Jack and Joelle all got out of the house safely but almost everything in the house was destroyed. I feel so helpless and wish there was something I could do to help. I'm so thankful for their safety and the support system they have from family and friends.

I went home in October and was able to see my Grandmother after 3 very long years. I cried when I saw her, I think because I don't see her on a regular basis, I see her differently that the family that surrounds her. I loved that she dressed in skirt and looked extra pretty for me. I love her so very much and fear that I'll lose another Grandmother. She fell and hit her head shortly after Christmas and was in the hospital for a couple of days. She now needs 24/7 care and I feel really bad that I'm not there to help out more.

My friend Jen was diagnosed with breast cancer last year and right now she is cancer free. Praise God!! However, she is very heavy on my mind, so Jen if you are reading this, I miss you and think about you all the time.

Then a family from old our church in Minnesota, is near the end of their battle with cancer. My heart breaks for their family. My thoughts and prayers are with Matt, Lacey , Gabe and Grace tonight. Take a minute to look at their beautiful family.

So as today comes to an end, I am thankful for for all the gifts that I have been given. For the husband who loves me both at home and from far away. For the three children that make me a better person and some how love me unconditionally. For the home that I live in and the car that I drive. For the jobs that support our family. For our families that live in Minnesota, Washington and Oregon. For the selfless sacrifices of our soldiers and for my salvation. Thank you Lord!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Thankful for safety of my brothers family

Today I got one of those phone calls. A phone call that left a hole in my heart and a horrible feeling in my stomach! It was my brother Michael, he called with the news that our brother Joe's was involved in a house fire. Of course the first thing I wanted to know, if everyone got out safe and thank goodness that Joe, Connie, Josh, Jack & Joelle are all safe and in a hotel tonight!!
The fire started about 2 or 3 am in the living room. The fire alarm and the dog barking woke up Joe; the whole living room was on fire and he had enough time to grabbed the dog and Josh, Connie grabbed Jack and Joelle, they all crawled out Joe and Connie's bedroom window since both of the doors were blocked by the fire.
By the time the fire department was there a broke down the door, the fire was out. It was a flash fire and since there was no more oxygen in the house, it went out. The inside of the house is totalled. The outside structure is okay but they don't know what will happen until they meet with an insurance adjustment.
So, tonight I'm thankful for the safety of my brother Joe and his family. I'm glad they are safe and have one another. Love you guys!

Friday, January 1, 2010

My 2010 wishes

As I sit in the quiet of my living room, my blanket wrapped around me and a the warmth from the fireplace in front of me, I can't help but think of what I wish for in the year 2010.

I have three beautiful and amazing children and I wish to give them love, faith, stability, a good education and a strong, firm foundation. I wish for them to have the opportunities that I didn't have as a child. I wish for them to work at their full potential and to shine brightly for Jesus! I wish for them to remain healthy and strong. I wish that their hopes and dreams come true. I wish they knew how much they are loved!!

I wish for my husband safe travels as he travels from state to state and then back home again. I wish to make many more years of memories with the man I was so blessed to have married. I wish for an answer to his knee problems as I would like him to be pain free. I wish for him to continue to grow into his role as a manager. I wish for him to remain strong and be the ROCK for our family. I wish he knew how much I love him and depend of him!

I wish to never move from Wisconsin, I love it here and consider it my home! I wish to make wise decision that I'm proud of. I wish to be more financially responsible. I wish to be more patient with my children. I wish to be a model employee and work to my full potential. I wish to be more organized and keep my house cleaner. I wish for the strength to wake up and work out to become more healthily. I wish (hope and pray) that we can find a church to call home. I wish to be the best wife and mother I can be.

I wish that in 2010 all of those who are facing cancer and illness, that their loved ones will be blessed with a renewal of spirit and hope to carry them through this part of their journey.

For you, my friends and family as 2010 blossoms, may the journey of your life be blessed with new opportunities, your days be bright with new hopes and your heart be happy with love! When you’re lonely, I wish you Love! When you’re down, I wish you Joy! When you’re troubled, I wish you Peace! When things seem empty, I wish you Hope!

Have a blessed year in 2010!!