Thursday, September 10, 2009


Today I'm a little homesick and my brothers are on my mind. It been over 16 years since we were all together in the same room. Since we are all adults now and three of us have kids, I wonder what it would be like to have a little reunion. Would we stay up late and talk all night, what would happen if were were to have a few drinks, I wonder what would be said?! Its no great secret that our childhood wasn't easy but somehow we have all turned out alright. Divorce sucks, it tears families apart and forces you to make choices that no child should have to make. We've all have had a few bumps and bruises along the way but I am so proud of the lives they that have made for themselves. What doesn't kills us makes us stronger, right?!
Just thought I'd take a minute to share a few of the reasons that I love my brother and why they are so special to me.

Michael-I often wonder if we were meant to be twins because the older we get the more we look alike (I know scary)! It always amazed me that we can go years without seeing one another and we'll have to same glasses or the same tooth brushes!! All I can say is that , "Great minds think alike". You are probably one of the smartest people I know but I don't think you want people to know how smart you are!! You are an awesome cook but also remember a few of the failures. Oh and the dishes you often left behind for me to clean....yuk!!! I will never ever forget the day that Thomas and I pulled away house in Bremerton. I felt like I was leaving my best friend and swear that I felt my heart break in two. I cried for hours and more poor husband didn't know what to do with me. Several years later when I was pregnant with Kevin, I automatically knew that his middle name would be Michael after you! I talk to Kevin about you and I know he's excited to see you in person.

Craig-my very favorite memory of you should have been shared with out parents but I was the lucky one to see you at Boot Camp graduation at Ft. Lenordwood. I remember trying to find you amongst a sea of green uniforms and finally I found you. You ran to me with tears in your eyes....Craig, I was so proud of you. I was able to spend a few days with you and was a witness you transforming from a boy to a man. Fast forward several years and we had lost you, no one knew where you were and Craig, I spend many, many hours searching for you and even had a lawyer friend help search for you. There were times that I wondered if you were dead or alive! With some old fashion elbow grease I finally found you. Words could not express how I felt when I heard your voice and saw your face. I wish I could have seen you a few more times before you moved back to Washington but am thankful for the time I was able to spend with you.

Joseph-you just crack me've always been able to make me laugh. I think back to when Makenna was a baby and how wonderful you were with her, I knew all those years ago that you'd be a good daddy!! The time when I was able to spend with you in Vader was amazing. You were there for me when I needed you. Being a single mom was hard but you made it a little easier. I remember you on your wedding day and how handsome you looked. I was there for the birth of your first son and I'll always remember how proud you were, you hugged me and cried, or maybe there was just something in your eye!! I am proud of how hard you've worked to support your family. You have two very handsome little men and I can't wait to see and hold your daughter for the first time. I'm thankful that we were able to see you this summer even if only for a day. It was so nice for my boys to meet you for the first time.

Gary aka Wiener-I remember when mom was pregnant praying and praying that God would give me a little sister, I mean I already had three brother, what would I do with another. I was so disappointed when I found out you were a boy. I made up my mind that I wanted nothing to do with you and my Aunt made me go to the hospital to see you. I looked at you once and feel in love with you. You and I lived together longer then rest of the boys and therefore, I have many, many great memories. You had a few shaky years and I wondered what direction you life was headed. But you figured it out, it still blows my mind that your a mechanic!! I'm so thankful that I was able to fly down for your wedding, it was a special day and thankful that I was a part of it. I'm also thankful that I was able to send a few days with you this spring, I enjoyed my time with you, Jessica and your little beauties.

So to my brothers, I love you and I'm so proud of you. Can't wait to be together some day. Love you big sister!!!