Thursday, October 30, 2008

I'm Naked

No, I'm not really naked but I feel naked! Yesterday I was a break at work and I looked down at my wedding ring and noticed that I was missing a prong. I gave my diamond a little wiggle to see if secure but it wasn't. So, I came back into the office and put my ring in an envelope so we can go and get it repaired!! So, its been about 24 hours with no ring and its driving me crazy. I only take off my ring while I'm cooking/baking and don't want it full of food, towards the end of my pregnancy I didn't wear it and for minor repairs! But since we have just moved I don't know who to take it to. I think I may send it up to Breckenridge with Thomas in a few weeks. I know they'll take good care of it!! So, in the mean time I'll walk around feeling naked!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Kevin Turns Five

5th Birthday

4th Birthday

3rd Birthday

2nd Birthday

1st Birthday

Kevin's Birth Day - Heidelberg, Germany

Five years ago today, I held a miracle in my arms. Kevin was a gift given to us from God, who was so worth the wait. I still remember the amazing feeling holding him for the first time, in that army hospital with just Thomas and I. He was worth every procedure, every fertility drug, every failed pregnancy test and even a miscarriage!
Kevin is the sweetest child! You can't help but not love him. He is so polite and even after having four shots today, through his tears, he thanked his nurse. I love to tell him he's a great son, just so he'll say, "You're a great Mom". I love that he tell me that he loves me, out of the blue for no reason! I love to watch him play and his imagination come a life! I love that he is growing up but still is small enough that he still wants to sit on my lap or cuddle up next to mom, even for just a minute.
So, today I so thankful for our son Kevin, that he is healthy and happy! Happy Birthday Son, and remember....I love you more then all the tea in China!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

An emotional week

As of tomorrow at 10:30am our little house in Apple Valley will no longer be ours and to be honest, I'm a little sad. I always complained that the house was too small, the to-do list was too long and that the house was just too old. But, now that we are leaving, I think about the four year, 3 months and 12 days that we lived in this house. For the kids and I, this is the longest we've ever lived in one place and now it seems strange because we're moving on! I was at the house this morning at 2am getting some cleaning done and my heart was sad to think we are leaving our home behind. The kitchen was the best part of the house and I have so many wonderful memories of cooking and baking with the family in the kitchen. We brought Matthew home to this house and it makes me a little sad that he won't be able to grow up in the house in which he was born. But, we'll get a new house and make many more memories. I would like to say that this is our last move but since the Army owns my husband I can't! We are all jammed in a hotel suite (2 adults, 1 teenager, two small boys, 1 105# black lab and 3 cats) until we close on our new house but at least we're all together! We have on more week here in Minnesota and we are going to try and do a few fun things and then on Saturday, October 25th we'll make the move to a hotel in Wisconsin....and then we'll be cheese-heads!

What your Mantra?

To be completely honest I had never heard of a Mantra until my co-worker, Sue asked me if I had one. A Mantra is your own personal motto, which you live your life by. Sue's Mantra is "Enjoy Life". She says it over and over again and to help her live by her Mantra. So, I've been waiting for my Mantra to magically appear and sure enough, I was reading Sue's husband's blog this morning(he's a pastor)and his words became my Mantra. His blog ( ) was on the Israelites; after wondering in the desert for 40 years, Mosses had died and Jacob was now in charge to lead them across the Jordan River. Joshua had a huge job in front of him and God told Joshua three times to be strong and courageous and then he wrote my Mantra, "God will do what you cannot do" I read it and said, that's it...its my Mantra!! But, I had to put my own little twist on it, "God will do what Callie cannot do" I can't tell you how many time I try to do it all and I forget to "let go and let God" I'm so strong willed (just ask my hubby) that trying to let go of even the small stuff is really hard for me. God has carried my family through this move and what I couldn't do, He has done! He has very let me down even when I couldn't see His plan. So, this morning, I find my self over and over again saying, "God will do what Callie cannot do"

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Rain makes me home sick`

This fall we have had beautiful weather but today was the first day that I woke up to a very hard rain. When it rains like this I always think of home(yes, you guessed right, I'm from Seattle). So, this morning, I had to talk to both my parents and that helped a little but I'm feeling a little sad. Sad that I don't have enough money to hop on a plane to go home for a visit. Sad that my boys don't even know their grandparents or cousins. Sad, that I can't just pop over to my BFF Jeanells. Sad, that I had a new niece and can't even see her little face. Sad that its been 14 years since I've been in the same room with all my brothers! Sad that we have to leave our friends and church! So, today as the rain falls, a few tears are falling as well!!

Family Fall Pictures

Just a few pictures of the family. Last weekend we went to Thomas Lake, hung out and took a few pictures. It was a fun day!

Friday, October 3, 2008

A Spiritually Driven Move

So, Thomas and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this move to Wisconsin is 100%Spiritually Driven. Everything is falling magically into place, better then we ever thought and we thank God for the lessons that we are learning through this whole ordeal! I often wonder why we even doubt God, He never has let us down. I feel that God is always trying to teach us new lesson's, it just that some lessons are harder to learn then other but by His grace we always walk on.
We've learned a lot about our Faith in the past few months. We both think that God has something amazing planned for us in Wisconsin. He needs us to do something, I can't wait to see what that might be. He has been so faithful to our family and now we need to share that faith with others. 2008 has been a roller coaster year for The Helgeson's and right now we are on the very top and are able to look around and see all the beauty that surrounds us. We're going to hang on tight because I'm sure 2009 will bring many exciting twist and turns for The Helgesons! We'll keep you posted!!