Monday, December 27, 2010

My Running Poem

Today I did something I never thought possible. I reached another running goal. My goal was to run 365 miles (a mile a day) and today I beat that goal by 200 miles. That's right 200 miles. I guess I inspired myself and I wrote this poem today. I hope you enjoy it

"My Morning Run"
by Callie-ann Helgeson
I put on my Under Amour
I lace up my shoes
Ear buds in, ipod set
I adjust my eyes to the darkness, take a deep breath as I shut the door behind me
That first miles is always the hardest as I mentally prepare for another run
I struggle with my breathing until I finally find my pace
Now, I’m in the zone, in my safe place
As my feet start to race so does my mind
I think about my family that is tucked in their warm beds
I think about the woman who help mold me
I think about my past and dream about my future
I talk to Jesus and pray for my friends and family
I shed tears
The sun is rising, my run is almost done
One last hill and I see my home
Stop the ipod, open the door
Kick off my shoes, rest on the couch
Quiet……………for just a minute
Then I hear ……………”Mommy?!”
Now, its time to the real "running" to begin

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